My interview is tomorrow!

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Pearcy, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. Pearcy

    Pearcy New Member

    Hey guys, my interview for the WDW ICP is tomorrow (Monday, 10th of October).

    I hope I get it! I am from Australia so if I do get it I would be over there for a whole year! :D

    I'll tell you how I went tomorrow night and what it was like. If I don't get it then I won't be too disappointed, there's always next time ;)
  2. Jayyeah

    Jayyeah New Member

    Wow, good luck! Mine's on wednesday.

    Yeah, it would be awesome if you could tell us how it goes and what kinda questions come up. nice work :D

    You'll ace it.
  3. Smunk

    Smunk New Member

    Good luck!! =) When I had my interview it was really relaxed - just smile and be enthusiastic. I'm sure it'll go well!
  4. Pearcy

    Pearcy New Member

    Hey, just got back from the interview!

    I think I rambled on a bit (nerves + excitement) but it was quite a casual interview. My interviewer was a teacher from the states and I am studying to be a teacher so hopefully I got some brownie points :D

    The main questions they asked were:

    how tall are you? (I had ticked character performer but not as the main two)
    what was my motivation to applying for the program? (to meet people from around the world was my answer)
    why did you decide to become a teacher? (it allowed me to use all my hobbies/interests and variety)
    what are the biggest challenges you face in your course? (becoming a teacher, tricky question for me to answer)
    have you ever been to Walt Disney World? (I did back in 2002)
    how do you learn best? (another tricky question I thought)
    how much do you know about this program? (quite a bit)
    do you have any tattoos?
    -They asked about the roles I ticked down (operations and merchandise)
    why did you choose operations?
    why merchandise? (I was at a bit of a loss for this one, I chose it because I didn't think food&beverage was for me and all the others aren't for me)

    I talked about my hobbies (piano, tennis, digital media/graphic art, public speaking) and how my interests led me to pursue a course in teaching. I asked a few questions relating to accommodation and working. It was a 20 minute interview but seemed like it took 20 seconds.

    I find out if I was successful in two weeks. Fingers crossed!
  5. cammysan

    cammysan New Member

    Good luck with the waiting and all. I have mine on Wednesday too. I'm ever so slightly nervous because I don't really have a 5 year plan, so all the questions about my future will be really hard to answer, but all the others I can easily answer, or fluff an answer.
  6. ianwarn

    ianwarn New Member

    I have mine in an hour!!! :eek: Nervous!!! I have some basic answers bullet pointed down on notepad so I can quickly refer to them but thanks for letting me know the type of questions you were asked! Good luck! Those 2 weeks are going to be a killer!
  7. ianwarn

    ianwarn New Member

    I just had mine and it was really short! I hope that isn't a sign that she didn't like me! :( Feel all nervous now! She did call a little late thought so maybe just trying to make up time! Just asked How i would cope living with people from different cultures, why I wanted to work for Disney etc and just questions about Uni!
  8. cammysan

    cammysan New Member

    @Pearcy, how'd you go? have you gotten an acceptance email yet?
  9. Pearcy

    Pearcy New Member


    No I haven't recieved any email yet. I expect I will get it on Saturday but I still check every day. I have been pretty busy these last couple of weeks with teaching prac so I am more focused on what I need to do now than the acceptance email that I hope to recieve.

    My fingers are still crossed :)
  10. Pearcy

    Pearcy New Member

    I got an email today but it wasn't an acceptance email it was an email for the 'Disney Parks & Resorts Internships & Programs Blog'...maybe that's a good thing? I am looking through it now here It has some interesting things but unfortunately I can't look through it much at the moment (because of prac).

    I hope that I got the email as a precursor to the acceptance email :p

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