money for the international program

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by moonbathing, Apr 20, 2007.

  1. moonbathing

    moonbathing New Member

    does anybody know what are the costs we have to take care of if u get to qualify for the international program?i mean the travel to the US, health insurance, the visa..and what else?
  2. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    It depends what IP you do. For the ICP (i.e. just the summer) your extra costs are - about $100 visa fees (& travel costs to your nearest Embassy), return flight, health insurance for the duration, travel insurance if you choose (and DO choose :)), $73 'program assessment fee' for your accommodation (no idea what it's for, but you have to pay it), payment for a criminal background check (assuming you're from the UK, you can go through Yummy for this for £60 but apparently it only costs £11 to get one yourself!), then enough money to cover the first 2 weeks before your first paycheck.

    If you do the CRP (i.e. a year), Disney pay the cost of your flight on condition that you complete the whole year. They will also pay your health insurance but only after the first 3 months. For the 6 month Grad Program, they do not pay for your flight but they do pay for health insurance for the last 3 months.
  3. moonbathing

    moonbathing New Member

    hey..thanks for the interested in the CRP. do u have any idea if they help u out to get ur visa and health insurance?
  4. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    On the CRP Disney will pay for your health insurance after the first 3 months - those first 3 months you must pay for yourself. With the Visa, you pay a $100 SEVIS fee and Disney pays for the rest. But they won't reimburse your expenses incurred for traveling to the embassy.
  5. linsey

    linsey New Member

    as far as i've been led to believe, you need to pay for 4 months of medical insurance at LEAST before you leave, once the 4 months is up you have the option of getting the disney insurance, which you do still have to pay for and it's a case of money coming out of your paycheck every week for it.

    I'm pretty sure we were never told disney would pay for it themselves!

    for the CRP the costs have been something like this :

    flight out (single): approx 300 pounds from the UK. if you complete the program disney will refund you tha money which you then use to fund your flight home. you can pay for it bit by bit through your pay, or just sort it out yourself before you go.

    assesment fee: 85 dollars

    background check: 52 pounds (i think it was)

    visa: 100 dollars

    trip to embassy: for me it is a flight of approx 35 pounds to Belfast from Glasgow and then costs over there for bux/taxi etc. also the 13.50 for return of the passport and 4 pounds for the weirdly sized passport photo you need

    health insurance: for the 4 months (you need a compete 3 months plus whatever else in the month you arrive) is about 100 dollars if you take the yummy one, which most have done.

    I also had to get a new passport as mine runs out 4 months after my return date and you need 6 months, so that was 70 pounds including the check and send method at the post office.

    then you need spending money and rent for the first two weeks out there and they recommend you take 500 dollars with you but most people take more!
  6. miraclepie

    miraclepie New Member

    Does everyone need to make a trip all the way to the embassy!? That's SO far away, is it possible just to go to a consulate or send in forms, why do you need to go to the embassy?
  7. EmzEms

    EmzEms New Member

    You HAVE to go to the embassy, you have to be in there in person for the interview and to scan your fingers. It just depends where your nearest embassy/consulate is.
  8. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    To be honest, if you asked if you could not go, they'd laugh at you probably! haha..

    They have to look like there making it as tough as possible for you to get into the country..

    They basically have to tooth comb everything about you before you can work in there country..

    Its not like england where anyone can just walk in! haha..
  9. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Canadians DO NOT have to go to an embassy, or pay a cent for their visas.
  10. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, but thats a different situation...Its like us trying to get into france..We just flash our passports and get it..America's the other side of the world..

    They wouldnt be able to stop you getting in anyway would they? Like they can control whether we get in or not..Surely you could just drive in?
  11. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Ha! My friend (driving from Canada -> America, I believe this was after getting Canadian residency) ended up in border control for hours. They didn't have any American dollars on them (they were going to use credit cards/ change dollars over when they got there) so her Dad had to go and get some from somewhere, and then there was some other reasons for hold ups... so it's not always that simple!
  12. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I know what you canadians need! An annoying visa interview! Where you travel miles and wait hours for a 20 second interview! haha..
  13. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    That's a bit rude a canadian rubbing it in that they don't have to pay anything when everyone in this thread is European/British
  14. miraclepie

    miraclepie New Member

    not really, he was just pointing out to me - a canadian - that I don't have to travel all the way to ottawa for a 10 min interview.
  15. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

  16. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    OK sorry. I didn't realise there was another canadian in the thread.
  17. VeganPup

    VeganPup New Member

    Re: money for the international program

    that is good to know .... sorry to everyone who feels it is unfair ... best to every1!
  18. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth New Member

    question for those people already doin the crp program, i'm cumin in 3 weeks to do it, how much money did u bring with you? u know to spend and stuff in the first few weeks? just to stop me worrying, or get me worried, whichever lol
  19. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    i had about $100 in dosh and bout $1000 in travellers cheques and that lasted me all the 3 months me being i then got my wages on top of that

    i just wanted to have the time of my life and enjoy as much as i can :D
  20. Elizabeth

    Elizabeth New Member

    really???! wow! so it is reallll cheap then! so i don't need to really worry too much then. omg, such a weight off my mind, thanks soooo much! really appreciate it. thank u! :D am gettin paid thursday and won't get paid in this current job til september and i'll be way outa here by then. so thursdays pay am expectin round £400 or so, mayb a little more. and think my parents are gona pay my med insurance. so i'm ok then?

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