moblie phones

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by urock, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. urock

    urock New Member

    hi people
    hope ppl r OK. i am asking this question just in case i get the job i have my interview on Wednesday so looking forward to it.
    i am posting this because i am trying to find out will my phone work in the USA. if i got a USA pay as go Sim card to swapped with my pay as go o2 Sim card. or will i have to buy i new phone n Sim card. plz help
    Sarah xx
  2. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    It depends on what phone you've got... But the pay as you go phones in the US are very cheap to buy ;)
  3. urock

    urock New Member

    i have a sony ericsson s500i my last sony had worked in usa
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    if it is has triband then it will work in the usa!

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