Mobile Phone!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by mandellauk, Oct 9, 2004.

  1. mandellauk

    mandellauk New Member

    Hello fellow Disney Cast Members, my name is Mandy and i have just completed my year in Walt Disney World.

    While i was in the USA i bought a Mobile/cell phone when i got it home in the UK it doesn't work, i was wondering if any one would like to buy it off me to take out to the USA? Mobile phones there cost about $150.00 the one which you can send and receive messenges to and from the UK!

    It's pay as you go on T-Mobile, amd has an american phone number but you can communicate to the UK from Florida! It a motorola flip phone vs6.

    Any offers please e-mail me at ,

    From Mandy
  2. Tinkerbell

    Tinkerbell New Member

    thats a good idead buying a fone over ther never thought of it,proberly pay just as much on fone cards.

    thats another thing to think about!!!!phoning home!!! ;D
  3. loops_li

    loops_li New Member

    Yeah, I was thinking about my phone. The ONe I have at the mo won't work, but I get my upgrade in Oct, so was deciding whether to get one that works in the US, or whether the tarriff would be cheaper if i bought a phone in the US rather than an English phone that works in the US, if that makes any sense at all!

    Helen - There is so much to think about, I'm bound to forget something, even though it is ages till we go!

  4. helen

    helen New Member

    Hey lianne,
    I know what you mean. I think it would be cheaper to get a pay as you go phone over in the states. At the mo i'm on a year contract which runs out in july so I will have to find out what will be best to do ie. go on pay as you go till I go in Dec then sort something out once there.
    I will have to sell my car b4 I go coz I won't be able to keep the monthly payments up on it.
    Oh so much to think about, I'm just pleased I have got plenty time to do it in.

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