Mickey Mouse as a MatchMaker??

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CrEsT, Mar 24, 2005.

  1. CrEsT

    CrEsT New Member

    We are going to Disney to work and have fun, right?

    And fun always includes girls/boys ... so what do you think about meeting someone "special" (pretty,handsome,sexy) in the program ?

    Do you think it might last or it's just a summer-fall-spring-summer love? :)

    P.S. I know I'm taken.

    I wanna hear your opinions! ;)
  2. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    omg! it's like my ultimate fantasy to meet someone at disney and fall in love! haha!
    i hope i get the job so i can make it happen.
    i hope to meet some really hot german or norwegian and fall madly in lvoe and move back to their country with them.......
    ahhh.....i'm such a hopeless romantic
  3. CanadaMan

    CanadaMan New Member

    The canadians usually have their pants off the most, I intend to continue that ritual.


  4. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    LOL Jase, that sure sounds interesting!

    but yeah good question, dont see why not ey ;)

  5. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Hehe Well some people surely found the love of their life down in Florida. But most of it is fun and for a rather short period. You will definitely have a good selection down there :p

  6. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol as u keep tellin me julia ;)

  7. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Im figuring given its only a year... its unlikely many of us will find anything serious.

    But its disney and dreams come true... so im gonna wish upon a star that we meet the men of our dreams! (haha how cheesy do i sound!)

    Julia i so hope its the same for us as it was for u!

  8. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    It happens. It works. I know several couples that met on the plane on the way over and are still together. And more that met there. There are the disaster relationships too! But I know for a fact that it can happen. We were together over there 9 months of my contract and over 10 of his...we've been out of there for almost 8 months and still happily together. He's moving to Canada with me in May!!! YEAH!!! :D I dunno if Mickey was the Matchmaker...I put more of the blame on my roommate and booze really...although the first words we spoke to each other were something stupid about the weather in the Grilled Cheese line at the Odyssey!!!

  9. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Marie- It can all happen! Just depends who you are falling in love with and if he takes it as seriously as you! Just like in "real" life ;D A mexican friend of mine met the man of her dreams in the Commons and they got married now ( he is norwegian ) and moved to Florida. There were a few serious couples, many of them from different countries which makes it even harder, but they survived. I promise you Marie, you will have as much fun as I had!

  10. A. LO

    A. LO New Member

    omg! that is so awsome julia!
    man, i so want this job!!!!
  11. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    LOL@Amber! The experience will be really unique! You will not have any idea how great and life changing it will be until you get there. It will be nothing you expect it to be. We always used to say down there that it's not real life, it's a fantasy world and it sweeps you off your feet :)
    Enjoy it!

  12. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    awww julia thats so cute, id love somethin like that 2 happen, but u just have 2 go out there, have fune and what happens happens ey!

  13. Dancing_Queen

    Dancing_Queen New Member

    Exactly Sara! I didn't meet the man of my dreams, I met a few of them! LOL Ahhhh, good old times!

  14. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    LOL oh julia i cant wait... the more the merrier is what i say ;) haha

  15. robynchic

    robynchic New Member

    You guys are lucky. I'll only be down there for 3 months, so I won't have a chance to meet anyone special. And I'm weird- after working there, I refuse to have my wedding or honeymoon there! I might go there as a vacation, but not as something so ooey gooey sweetness.
  16. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    i wanna get married in disney!

    haha geek i know but i always have!

  17. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    lol and me mate, in the wedding pavillion nr Grand Floridian and MK lol

  18. Marie

    Marie Guest

    Shannon and Julia those are such sweet stories!

    Cant wait to get to disney... i just want to have fun and anything else is a bonus :)

  19. Lizzie

    Lizzie New Member

    woah, woah, woah..sara, did u say WEDDING pavillion??! is there such a thing? or did u just make that up :p
  20. Lindsey

    Lindsey Guest

    yeah. when youre on the monorail on the way to MK you pass over a little beach. sometimes you'll see people getting married there!

    its gorgeous. right on the lake with the castle in the background!

    Thats where Im gonna get married....mmmm now just gotta find a guy! lol!


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