Michelle, this is what you couldn't see...

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by DisneyGibbs, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    Michelle! says:
    if you can rrad this
    i cant
    my computer has frozes
    and i cant seee

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    we cant see it

    Spav says:
    it works!

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:

    Spav says:
    i can see it

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    slap the computer

    Michelle! says:
    a thing
    this is probably not making sense are you probably arent being able to see it

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    slappity slap slap

    Joanne says:
    she can't see you lol

    ·$0·$12i·$7Leom! ·$4Its the time of your life! ·$0 says:
    right peeps, ill be back in a tick

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    but we can!!!

    ·$0·$12i·$7Leom! ·$4Its the time of your life! ·$0 says:

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    but its fun

    Kev says:
    did he just call us peeps?

    Joanne says:
    this is like what i was doing earlier.

    Michelle! says:
    hmm this is fun

    Spav says:

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    i know

    Michelle! says:
    its like being blinde
    but i can see

    Spav says:

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    yeah he called us peeps

    Michelle! says:
    but cant see anything
    if this makes sense
    haha id laugh at myself if you cant see this
    though ill never know

    Joanne says:
    someone copy and paste this for future reference
    infact lets wdwip.com her lol

    Spav says:
    or just save it

    Michelle! says:
    work you bastard!

    Joanne says:
    oh COPY

    Michelle! says:
    im talkign to myself

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:

    Michelle! says:
    on a typokeypadthingymajig

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    did you copy it Jo?

    Joanne says:
    not yet
    letting her rant a little longer

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:

    Joanne says:
    cuppa anyone?

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:

    Spav says:

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    milk no sugar
    michelle, rant

    ·$0·$12i·$7Leom! ·$4Its the time of your life! ·$0 says:
    i have a banana and orange juice

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    ok ive copied it
    shall post momentarily

    Joanne says:
    she's gone quiet...

    Michelle! says:

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:

    Joanne says:
    oh there we go

    Michelle! says:

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    its ok, I'll post what we've got

    Michelle! says:
    this is the lst time in mnice to you mr laptopman
    you pile of eeyore poo

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:

    Michelle! says:
    can someone blink once if they can seer this

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    ok i'll wait

    Michelle! says:
    oh wait
    i cnat see no one
    someone tell meeeeeee
    i think im gonna restart

    Joanne says:
    michelle can you read this?

    Michelle! says:

    Joanne says:

    Michelle! says:
    i will
    that would be nice

    Spav says:

    ·$0·$12i·$7Leom! ·$4Its the time of your life! ·$0 says:
    yes we can read it

    Joanne says:
    yeh be a woman! unplug the thing.

    Polly Browne ...because it's all about the costume! says:
    as soon as she restarts i'll copy and post lol

    ·$0·$12i·$7Leom! ·$4Its the time of your life! ·$0 says:
    im going to watch american pie
  2. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Oh dear =[

    that wasnt me.. hah


    yes :)

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