meeting roomates..

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by curiousgeoff, May 16, 2007.

  1. curiousgeoff

    curiousgeoff New Member

    how does the bed situation go..? if im the first person in my room.. am i assigned a bed.. or can i pick from the 2.

    and if im a newb in an already filled apartment, whats the etiquitte for decor.. i mean everyone will have done their thing, and since im new will i be voted against for decor decisions? like.. say i decide that i NEED a new lamp and a curtain in the living room.. will they gang up and veto my idea.. because im the newb?

    hypothetical of course.. haha.
  2. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    If your first in the room you can pick which bed you want..Well thats how it worked for us anyway..Its usually unusual tho to get put in a bedroom that has 2 free beds if you get what i mean..

    As for the decor..It just depends on your flatmates..I think lads would take a change in decor easier than girls would..And obviously because ull be living with lads, then i reacon you should be fine..Although i don't know if your allowed to change the curtains! haha..
  3. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    Last year I arrived in a completely empty apartment and got my choice of six beds. So it may happen. Last year most ICPs were living with one another, and so there's a strong chance u'll get put with other ICP's and since May 27th is the first arrival date that i know of, it's a good chance u'll get a new apartment. But you don't know for sure. I do know other ICP's who got placed in already occupied apartments.

    As for decor, I doubt u'll have any problems. I don't think anyone really did 'decor' last year, as people were more likely to save their money to do other things than buy that kind of stuff :)
  4. curiousgeoff

    curiousgeoff New Member

    nice! u people made my day! haha
  5. GDelaC

    GDelaC New Member

    Geoff I hope u'r "underage" (darn american rules!haha) building isn't too far from ours!
  6. brynna87

    brynna87 New Member

    I dont' think it's done by buildings, but just apartments. I seem to recall knowin an underage apartment and overage apartment in the same building last year. If you're at vista. there are 40 some odd buildings that occupy up to....64 people per building. The place is massive, people end up on different corners of the spectrum from one another.
  7. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, im sure there was wellness apartments in the same blocks as non-wellness..
  8. Danielle1883

    Danielle1883 New Member

    The wellness were in the same blocks as the none- it's great! As for decorating the apartment- noone really minds anything- prob too busy getting wasted! we had a 6 foot moosebear beer inflatable bear in our apartment- classy! And our christmas lights and tree stayed up all year cos none of us could be bothered to take them down!

    D xxx
  9. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Whatever a moosebear beer bear is... I want one!!
  10. gamecube1984

    gamecube1984 New Member

    i was thinking that ;D
  11. curiousgeoff

    curiousgeoff New Member

    i promise u, i wud have found the time to remove the tree and lights.. and im positive i wud have found the time to deflate the bear..

    oh lord.. im gonna be the clean one that they all hate!! HAHAHAH.. oh well they will suck it up and deal with a clean apartment.. because i need clean.. haha.. (dont hate me..)
  12. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    i prefer clean to roach infested!!!!- trash hanging around = roaches ugh!!!!

    im not a neat freak or anything but a dirty bathroom, bed or kitchen is something i couldnt stand!
  13. lol.....b my flatm8!
    im quite worried about having a messy flatm8.....i h8 dirt, but of a clean freak meself!
  14. curiousgeoff

    curiousgeoff New Member

    haha, yeah im a clean freak!
  15. linsey

    linsey New Member

    i'm not a clean freak but i like my little corner of the world to be organised. even if it looks a mess to the outside world I still am organised! method to my madness! But I found living away from home I was a lot tidier, lol.

    My only worry would be ants going for the sugary foods. I once left out a box of almost finished krispy kremes. By the morning I didn't want them anymore :-\
  16. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Yeah, im personally quite messy..But luckily so was my other roommate over summer, so it was all good..I tend to just do a mass clean, where i spend about half an hour doing it! haha..But i'd definetly say im quite messy!
  17. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Yeah I'm pretty messy too and I'm a bit worried about it. I mean I'll try to be tidy but it'll probably last a month...max!
  18. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    I hate being untidy, but I'm one of the scattiest and therefore messiest people ever... which means I end up having to tidy every couple of days at uni as papers just get everywhere and it annoys me. But it's more because if I don't then I just lose everything, so I won't be getting annoyed with any messy roomates.

    So long as they're not as bad as my flatmate this year who full on refuses to wash his dishes up. Seriously, you can watch him use a pot to cook in, and ten minutes later he'll deny it's his. It's all in a cardboard box now, but I think I've become fairly tolerant of mess this year as a result!
  19. looks like us clean freaks are in a minority
  20. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Its coz you bad mouthed bleu cheese :'(

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