Hello Guys!!! I was wondering if previous IP cast members can help me. I understand Disney covers your health after 4 months. What does this include/cover?? Thanks Jordana
Disney has a lot of different insurance programs in all price classes. You'll have to attend an information meeting when it comes to the insurance, so you'll learn all about the different programs there.
IMO, the American health care system sucks. I purchased emergecy medical care, as a Canadian, for a years' worth of coverage before I left. Disney covers you with an HMO, which is crap. I wouldn't rely on an HMO....if something unexpected happened, an HMO covers very little, and a lot of the cost is out of pocket for you. Also most clinics/hospitals require up-front payment, and then you have to go after your HMO/ insurance company to get reimbursed after the fact. It's a horror. For me, I spent a few extra $$ and bought my emergency medical coverage back in Canada.
Thanks Sarah Thats great to know before I get down there. I hadnt heard much about this topic, and I have been wondering. Well I am from Canada, so I think I will purchase more then 4 months. Thanks Jordana ;D
well, i'm not canadian, but i did the same thing! i also got 1-year coverage here in germany knowing that they would pay for anything, even getting me back home...i heard from some people that got the disney-insurance that they weren't too happy when they actually needed it...