So, from what I understand, I need 4 months of medical coverage and then Disney picks up the last 8 months? For people who are down there, who did you get your coverage through and what kind of coverage did you get. I've had out of country coverage before, but it would only cover trips of 30 days or less. Any thoughts anyone?
Oooh, I should look into that too. And I wonder about cell phones - I mean, I don't have one, but I'm thinking of getting one. But only if by some way I can either get a descent plan in Florida without somehow being an American Citizen..? I'd just like to know how the cellphone situation worked out with other Internationals
I got my coverage from CAA ... it's called TripGuard and ended up being really cheap for me ... although I think there's a catch because my roomie (from NFLD *edit NB ... sorry love*) wasn't able to get the same deal ... infact the price they offered her was awful ... so it might be and SK specific plan ... good for you Ashley!!! Cell phones: I ended up buying a pay as you go phone from Virgin for $20 and I have no complaints ... excpet that I'm now a cell phone junkie. Never used my SK phone much ... just if I had car trouble or something ... but in Disney it deffinately makes life alot simpler to have a phone ... I was never home and you never know what kind of message taking (note: "message taking" should read "english") skills your roomates have. Better safe than sorry ... plus it's great to have when playing in the parks so you can find your friends.
*laugh* I just realized the irony in me posting on this thread. I leave in less than a week and I still haven't bought my Medical Insurance. *laugh* Whoops ... swear it's on my "Honey Dew" list for tomorrow. But I did get that insurance on my last Program and it worked out really well for me, cheap and when I had to use it I didn't pay a cent (sprained my ankle in August and worked on it for a week before I decided to get it looked at ... not a pretty sight ... I'm sure Kristine could atest to that)
Haha, awesome! For a rare moment, I feel privilidged to be from Sask - lol it's very rare we get a better deal on something (even as important as life insurance!). I'll definately be checking that out. And that's the main reason I'd want a cellphone - when I was all over Canada I used phone cards to call home and those worked well enough, but I'd like one just so I could be in contact with people no matter where I am. As it turns out, Disney World is kind of big... Omagosh, I can't imagine the ankle thing! A friend of mine in Katimavik tried to ignore his sprained ankle and still work, but his ankle ended up looking like an mini-watermelon! A really, really gross watermelon foot
NFLD really that where you think Im from? Not that thats totally wrong but I don't even say Im from NFLD. LOVE
Hey you can try going to INSUREMYTRIP.CA and that is where I got mine!! The site is also sponsored by the BBB so that was a BONUS for me!! It was CHEAP too and instead of paying like $344 which is BLUECROSS price, you can search in there and they have some great packages. I arrived in Florida the other day and start F&B on the 5th as well and I am looking into cell phones!! many have told you to go PAY AS YOU GO and go into Wal~Mart. However, with us making SUCH little money I am going to get a 2 year package becuase I am ALWAYS in the States. That way, I get a Sprint camera phone for free, and I get unlimited text messaging for $15 which is the ONLY REASON I am getting the phone. If I NEED to call home, I would call them and tell them to call the house or call from my girlfriends house who LIVES down here. Hope this info HELPS!! GOOD LUCK!!
Hi Everyone! Just curious, is it possible to get an international plan from the current provider in Canada? How much is the pay-as-you go (including phone, and voice message)?
Perhaps we should start a new thread for cell phones ... here's what I did: I bought a phone from Virgin, convenient and cheap sicne the Virgin Mega Store is at DTD (Downtown Disney) and you can buy the Top Up cards from ANY of the places close to us for shopping (including Walmart via bus). My phone was just over $20, I pay a fee once a month (around $7, comes off of my account automatically) and then I had Voicmail, Texting and Caller ID. Cost was no more than 10 cents a minute/text. Cell phone negatives: My friend Heather brought her phone with her from Louisianna and had very patch reception (ie she couldn't use it anywhere in or near LLB - Little Lake Brian - where Chatham and the Commons are). I also heard that even if it's a local number you have problems calling people from the apartments if they have Sprint as their provider. I definately recommend Virgin, cheap and easy. Great bonus, some nights I notice I was running low on minutes but I was on my way to PI and had no time to walk/run over to Walgreens, no worries though ... just walked to Virgin once we got off the bus at PI because they're open till 1 am!
Howdy! I went for the CAA coverage because I already have 30 days travel medical insurance, so I only had to buy 90 days. I think it was about $200, but I think its money well spent. I am definitely buying a cell phone down there to text my parents and phone people so we can go to the parks!! I have been looking online and cingular at walmart seems to be the best pay-as-you-go rates for what I will be using it for. But I also want a phone with a SIM card in it so I can go to Europe after with it and then maybe return to the states. So I will be buying a more expensive phone, but just the cheapest rate. I guess it depends on what you want to have the phone for. Hopes this helps a little