May interviews

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Donna C, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. Donna C

    Donna C New Member

    Hey all,

    I've just had an email from Alexis about May interviews for the graduate program.
    Has anyone got an interview in May? I was wondering what the dates are because I've got my final exams in May.

    Thanx Guys

  2. louise

    louise New Member

    Congrats on getting an interview. I have already had my interview for the grad program and am going in october. Is that when your hoping to go too?

    There is someone else on this forum who said that they will make sure that everyone has the chance to interview and that one of the interview dates will be a saturday because of the exams.
  3. Donna C

    Donna C New Member

    Alexis mentioned the October start date but to be honest I'm not sure I could afford it by then - especially with the $1800 dollars fee on top of visa's, flights and money to take out there. I'll only have 3 months to save. There's a January start date I'm going to ask Alexis if I can be interviewed in May for the a position in January - I'll be able to afford it by then. Going in October would have been fantastic though - I just wanna get out there! When was your interview?
  4. louise

    louise New Member

    I had my interview in March but most of the people where going in july. But i decided that october would be best because I don't want to miss my graduation and hopefully i'll have enough money by then.
  5. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    I've got an interview in May and all my exams are then too. I emailed Kristen about it and she said that they will work it so everyone gets seen and they are having 2 days of interviews, one of which will be a Saturday. It's a bit pants really but to be honest I start revision tomorrow and I reckon my poor brain will be quite glad of a day out in London in 7 weeks time!! :)
  6. Donna C

    Donna C New Member

    I am unfortunate enough to have an exam on a saturday - sucks doesn't it. I have 4 days off before that though so I should be able to make one of the interviews. As you said it will be great to have a break from revision!!!

    I started my revision 2 weeks ago and I've had enough already!

    On the plus side my exams finish on May 25th! Can't wait till they're over!
  7. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    LUCKY!! Mine finish June 2nd, which is also a Saturday. On the upside my last exam is an hour long and I've ordered my (non-exam taking) best mate to stand outside the exam room with a bottle of Champagne and 2 glasses :D
  8. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Eek everyone is revising for their finals so early. Mine start on may 15th and I can't start revising til May 1st because my dissertation is due April 30. I'm gonna fail. :-\ I'm doing this course from July by the way so I'll see you when you arrive in October. :D
  9. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    Dissertation's a bit different tho :) I only had two 2500-word essays to write - but I have 7 exams, including my French oral which is in 9 days and for some reason I keep forgetting about!! Eeep! So that's why I have to go into uber-revision mode ;)
  10. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Ahh I don't feel too guilty about not starting then. My course is 70:30 coursework anyway, so exams arn't as important.
  11. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    You shouldn't worry yourself then :) I'm doing the most exams out of anyone on my course I think (opted out of most essays cos I was away for 10 days at Easter and didn't reckon I could squeeze out 15000 words in 2 weeks!) - those 7 exams are looking pretty daunting now though... :-\
  12. unrealitiesxi

    unrealitiesxi New Member

    Good luck for the exams and interviews, and see you in October. :)
  13. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    does the visa really costs $1800 dollars??!!! thats a lkot of money!
  14. louise

    louise New Member

    $1800 is the tuition fees which have to be paid the UCF because in the grad program we go to UCF for classes. I think the visa is only $100.
  15. flashinghelmet

    flashinghelmet New Member

    i sent my cv and cover letter in to kirsten/kristan which ever it is ???, but the reply i got didnt seem to acknowledge that id applied for the graduate programme. she sent back one saying 'take a look at this new graduate programme and if you are interested in applying let me know'', which was a bit odd, since my email said i wanted to apply for it in the first place. so i replied and said i was interested and she said she'd let me know when the interview dates are.

    so does that mean ive passed the first step and am going to the interviews? or does everyone get an interview? baring in mind, the first email i received from her was sent about an hour after id sent my cv through.

    this is to start in october btw.

    i really, really want this :)

    has anyone been told an exact may date?
  16. tinydancinggirl

    tinydancinggirl New Member

    Nobody knows yet! We're all waiting with baited breath. It's very distracting in revision terms :)

    I wouldn't worry about that first email Kristen sent you. I think sometimes Yummy are a bit special and just go on autopilot and send out the 'info email' the second they see the words 'Grad Program' even if you're emailing to apply!!
  17. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member

    ohh thats have more sense! lol i was like only 1800 for the visa! =S, well i till have like 3 years left to graduate so i have time to start to save lol
  18. flashinghelmet

    flashinghelmet New Member

    coolio. im trying to do my dissertation and failing miserably.

    do you know if everyone that applied is going to interviews or whether they actually read the covernotes and cvs? cos i stressed over mine and spent ages on it! better have been needed! :p
  19. Donna C

    Donna C New Member

    I asked Alexis when the interviews were and she told me they are 25th and 26th May. I'm not being interviewed till November though and hope to be out there on the grad program in January. All you guys heading to Florida in October will have to keep us up to date on everything going on!
  20. flashinghelmet

    flashinghelmet New Member

    OH NO! i have an exam on the 25th! my last one. eeek. hope i can get to the 26th. major stress!

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