Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by halifaxboy, Jul 4, 2005.

  1. halifaxboy

    halifaxboy New Member

    This week the G8 leaders meet at Gleneagles, Scotland and can make a very important decision that can change Africa and help to MAKE POVERTY HISTORY. Most of you (i think) will have watched the LIVE 8 concerts around the world last Saturday 2nd July.

    If you haven't go and sign the LIVE 8 List online at:

    this list will be sent to the 8 most powerful people in the world to urge them to make this monumental decision! all they need is your name and country nothing else so do the right thing and add your name!
  2. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    ive signed it, and yes i watched the concert when i got bck from work.
    remember a child in poverty dies every 3 seconds.
    I feel that this is a very important thing to do as if the people don't support it - the governments won't. I definatly think that its time to back this cuase and MAKE POVERTY HISTORY. Ive got my white band as well.




  3. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    ive signed it to and listened to it on the radio cos i was at work ;D
  4. ~*Mel*~

    ~*Mel*~ New Member

    I watched bits and peices of all the concerts on tv..i would have loved to be at one of the concerts!
  5. flavour

    flavour New Member

    hardly saw any of it, i had to work! really wish i could have been there, too!

    where do you get the white band?

    flavour xoxo
  6. halifaxboy

    halifaxboy New Member

    they sell the white bands all over in the UK. not sure about other countries! I got one at the gig in London and had already bought one from an OXFAM shop too.
  7. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    did u have a good time at live 8? I had a friend who went to London for the day, and someone turned round to her and handed her their tickets as they didnt want to wait in the qu apparently! lucky cow! were u anywhere near the front and what was the atmosphere like?

    u can buy white bands on the internet as well can't u? most send overseas -

    those are a few websites that sell them and send them overseas - try some of these other websites featured on here -
  8. halifaxboy

    halifaxboy New Member

    it was the most amazing day of my life! I don't think I'll ever see anything as fantastic! I got as near to the front as I could get (that stupid golden circle was so big!) me and my mate arrived in london at 6:30am (set off from home at 3am) I drove down to heathrow and parked there and got the tube in. got a position in the line at the gates at 7:50am and sat there for 4 hours! but was worth it cos we got really near the front and I hear some people missed the start because they were still linin up to get in!!

    The crowd was really good, great atmosphere everyone talkin to each other because most people were all in 2's so everyone had a great time. Robbie Williams set the place alight! he was so awesome! and The Who totally blew me away! amazing!! Pink Floyd were great, madonna, elton john, coldplay fantastic especially when ashcroft came on and sang! so many amazing moments that will stick wi me forever!!
  9. halifaxboy

    halifaxboy New Member

    hope you're all signing the petition!! 50,000 people die every day in africa due to extreme poverty! we can make the difference!!
  10. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Wow! You lucky thing! I've signed- hope it will make a difference- you never know!
    Charlotte x
  11. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    Madonna was amazing on TV, i can't even imagane her performing live on stage!
  12. halifaxboy

    halifaxboy New Member

    woo hoo!! thanks for signing charlotte!! we will make poverty history! we just gotta!

    anyone who hasn't signed get it done! it takes seconds!
  13. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    honestly they should have charged every person $5.00 to get in tothe concert and $1.00 to sign the petition......cus in barrie ontario alone they could have made $175,000 to go to help poverty. this from charging $5.00 to each of the 35,000 people who attended. now imagin the petition $1.00 tosign and they got how many people to sign over 17million people......hell that could have been taking a huge dent out of poverty........ibelieve the message got lost in the concerts. unfortuantly!

  14. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    Sheena...I agree with you!!!!! I've been saying that since the beginning. Charge everyone even a buck to get in....$35,000 would have be much appreciated I'm sure. They could have charged up to $30 bucks I figure and still sold it out!!!! Don't get it. My sister went and was pretty disappointed I think.

  15. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    thats such a good idea sheena - and everyone would have paid it as well ;D
  16. halifaxboy

    halifaxboy New Member

    yeah but even tho the money would have been appreciated highly, LIVE8 is not about raising money this time it's about raising awareness. they could have charges £200 a ticket and they would have sold out in no time but they didn't cos they don't want your money, they want u!

    I was at London for the concert there and the message never got lost. Bob Geldof and all the acts made it stick in ur mind all the time. watching it on TV after tho the message was not as obvious on the tv because they didn't show any of the films that got shown at the concert.
  17. OttawaChikky

    OttawaChikky New Member

    OKAY i watched the whole thing on tv and saw their movies and stuff too so i know they were raising awareness. However JUST RAISING AWARNESS DOES NOTHING TO HELP goverment cannot help whipe out poverty.....however if everyone chiped in a few bucks towards it it could get it whiped out sooner..........honestly not to be a bitch but it was a dumb way to do it.

    oooooo i went to a concert that raised poverty awareness.....but it didnt do anything to help.

    lets face it they did it20 years ago and where did it get them......NO WHERE...theres even more poverty now than before.....honestly bush, martin,blair they cant do shit....excuse the language.

    but it makes me wonder eh
  18. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    i didn't get to watch live * as i was on holiday at the time and wasn't able to get back in time to see it but i do have the bands both the plastic and material ones.

    however i do agree with OttawaChickky i don't think they should just be raising awarness as that doesn't really do much. I think they shouldn't of been giving the live 8 tickets away they should have sold them the same way as they would for other concerts. this way they would be able to give all the £££ genterated form the sales start to helping poverty!!!
  19. halifaxboy

    halifaxboy New Member

    it worked in the end tho! doubled aid, and got a great framework to get trade justice! all good!! power to the people!

    I think tho that there has been a lot more awareness in the UK towards the campaign, it's been in the papers for months and has been really high profile. we heard over here that in the states and that that it wasn't very high profile. the philly concert didn't even get mentioned until the day before apparently! so over here the awareness thing has worked a lot better.
  20. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    I'm sure the starving children are thanking their stars that more people are now aware that they need food!!! NO!!!!!!!!!! They could have raised both money AND awareness. Still think it was dumb.


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