Mails from International Services

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by FairyPrincess, Nov 3, 2011.

  1. FairyPrincess

    FairyPrincess New Member

    Hey everyone, :)

    I was just wondering of any of you had experience with hearing back from International Services, France... ?

    I asked for clarification on the last mail about 2 weeks ago, but I havent heard back at all. So I dont want to annoy them by keep sending mails, so how long did it take them to get back to you??

    thanks!! xx ;)
  2. origamin

    origamin New Member

    I did the same last week, but no reply :'(
  3. FairyPrincess

    FairyPrincess New Member

    I am glad to know I am not the only one... I guess it takes a while. I still havent heard back :(
  4. origamin

    origamin New Member

    I don't know why International Services don't reply emails. Everyone who was dealing with Yummy Jobs told me that they answered every email they sent happily. What's wrong with French people? lol
  5. FairyPrincess

    FairyPrincess New Member

    hahah very true :D
    I am wondering if I should send another mail, asking if they got the last one?! Cause by now its like 3 weeks ago or something. Maybe last week, if I still havent heard anything...
  6. Rosa Szeto

    Rosa Szeto New Member

    hi, I'm from HK ;D
    I have the same situation before and I got the reply after 3 weeks or 1 month ;).
  7. origamin

    origamin New Member

    I guess Valerie and Emily are busy now in Morocco for the F2F interview. You can try to send them another email. I hope they'll reply ^^
  8. FairyPrincess

    FairyPrincess New Member

    How do you know they re in Morocco? :D But yeah- I guess I ll try another time this week...:)
  9. origamin

    origamin New Member

    Because i had my interview last thursday 17th and I met them ;D Oh yeah I'm in Morocco ::)
  10. FairyPrincess

    FairyPrincess New Member

    ooh okay- that explains it. They replied today! yay!
  11. lilacwhisper

    lilacwhisper New Member

    In my opinion, there's a sort of "priority list" according to how close one's departure date is.
    At least that's what I've experienced so far... months ago I usually got replies from Corinne (IS) after a few days (even a week or more), but during the last two months I've noticed that replies tend to come in shorter time (even the following day :eek: ).
  12. zlatko405

    zlatko405 New Member

    I've also applied, but I got the answer very fast.
    So, they preselected me for a skype interview and I expect a call in January. By the way I 'm from Serbia.
    I didn't mention that the position I've applied for a ass. dining room server.
    So, if anybody has advice for me, I'll appreciate it.
    Also, if you have any question for me, do not hastitate to ask me.

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