looking for Isabelle Tremblay~Canada Merch/Attr 08/2001-08/2002?

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by marefyre, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. marefyre

    marefyre New Member

    Hey All,

    I lost my old Hotmail account with everyone's email addys!! Have been able to recover most of the email addresses, with one exception(isn't there always?!)

    If anyone out there from the '01-'02 crew has the email for Isabelle Tremblay from the Canada Pavilion, please forward it to me!!

    MIssing my Disney Days, but I am now living in Florida permanently and my hubby and I are annual passholders ;)

    HUgs to all!! I haven't forgotten ANY of you!
  2. cartwheel69

    cartwheel69 New Member

    I beleave that Jen Elliot has her contact information? Do you no who Jen is if not I will swend you the information


    I met her at one of Jen parties

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