Looking for 02-03 Alumni...

Discussion in 'Alumni Discussion' started by gramb, Sep 21, 2005.

  1. gramb

    gramb New Member

    Hey everyone,

    Just looking for a German guy nicknamed "Canadian" who was there between 02/03.

    If you know him or know his contact info, please let me know.

    He is appearantly coming to Vancouver for a visit but I dont have his contact info and he doesn't have mine. Thanks a million.

    Gramcracker. ???
  2. gramb

    gramb New Member

    oh yeah, I guess his name would be helpful...

    First name is Chris...I have no idea about his last name...

    Everyone always called him canadian.

  3. gramb

    gramb New Member

    Anyways, since I'm using this site again...

    Shout out to you if I know you...gimme a shout back if I do...

    Graham. 2002-2003
    X-capatain canada
  4. franzi

    franzi New Member

    Hey Grambo,

    have a look at the guestbook of http://www.leavingbook.de/, there is a guy named Canadian writing from Vancouver!!

    Hope that helps!

  5. MelissaDanielz

    MelissaDanielz New Member

    Hey Buddy~ Its Melissa. Im back from Portugal and hating every moment lol. Oh well. ANyways babe we'll caht another time. take care.

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