London 26th November

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Dr Dogbert, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. Dr Dogbert

    Dr Dogbert New Member

    Hello there! I thought that I would just ask for a bit more information from people who have been through it all first. Basically I have an interview in London on the 26th November (i.e. next week) for the Walt Disney World International College Program.

    My questions are:

    1) What is it like?
    2) How long is it?
    3) What are the people like?
    4) What is Disney like as a company to work for?
    5) What are the jobs you do?
    6) What happens at the end of the programme?

    Thanks guys
  2. Jar

    Jar New Member

    Short Answers:
    1) Awesome
    2) 2 -3 Months (10 - 12 weeks)
    3) People are awesome - were last year anyway!
    4) Disney is good , but be prepared to work very hard and very long hours! (Plus its hot!)
    5) I worked operations, which for me was attractions in tomorrowland in Magic Kingdom!
    6) You graduate at the end! Get your ears and certificates and stuff. Its a horrible day though to be honest as saying goodbye was the worst part!

    In all its an awesome experience - its the best thing ive ever done, and defiently the best summer ive ever had! You have to be prepared to work hard and not everything is as disney as you might think it is, but its still an awesome experience and you will usually have the time of your life! So much so that ive re-applied for 2008!

    As for the interview its pretty casual, appart from dress code! You get told everything you need to know there!
  3. Jay1988

    Jay1988 New Member

    Yer J's ryt. i think aswel you gota give it 2 weeks or more 2 settle, because at first you might of expected things to be different but then you realise and apreciate where you are, training can be abit of a rush but overall its a brilliant place to be and the people are top class, if your workin in MK be prepared to work long hours! But its all worth it! (im reapplying also)
  4. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Hope your interview went well! If you still want answers then here's my input:

    1) What is it like? Amazing. Absolutely amazing. It's hard work, you won't have a decent night's sleep for 10 weeks and there will be days when you wonder why the hell you're there, but it's still one of the best things I've ever done (possibly THE best, maybe even topping a month away in Vietnam...)
    2) How long is it? The summer programme's 10-12 weeks, but there are other programmes that are longer
    3) What are the people like? Immense! Some of the funniest, nicest people I've ever met
    4) What is Disney like as a company to work for? Hmm, I have a lot of gripes about Disney as a large corporation and as an ICP you are right at the bottom of the food chain in terms of hours, etc. BUT ultimately it depends on who you're working for/ what your area managers are like as to how you feel working for the company I reckon.
    5) What are the jobs you do? I worked Merchandise in Downtown Disney (World of Disney to be precise- the massive Disney store). Was a little disappointed not to be in a park at first, but ended up loving it (despite plenty of complaining)- mainly for the people, and it meant that going to the parks was still like a holiday/ exciting!
    6) What happens at the end of the programme? Your last day at work is one of the weirdest, most horrible things. Got a review from my "homeroom leader" (ie the one of 15 or so managers I was allocated as my 'go-to' point) and didn't do a lot of work :p. You get the very last day off, at some point go to Graduation and get your Graduation Mickey ears, certificate for completing the programme and social security number... Oh and meet graduation Mickey! Then most people tend to go to Wishes and bawl their eyes out. Next day it's time to fly home... Worst thing ever (especially when you're sat next to JAR :p ;))- I was bawling when I got back to Gatwick. Not the "Hi Mum and Dad" they expected I don't think!

    ANYWAY as James said, not everything is quite as 'happy' and amazing as you expect it to be- you'll be worked very hard (possibly 12+ hour shifts/ overnight shifts/ 6 day weeks/ 60 hour weeks), and your patience will be seriously put to the test. But it's such a good experience- I may have complained about going to work, but I genuinely enjoyed it once I was there. You can almost guarantee that something will happen every day to make you smile, the people are fantastic and in your spare time you get to play in Disney! Can't say fairer than that...
  5. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    to be completely honest mate youve made me want this even more!!!!
  6. Jar

    Jar New Member

    You loved that flight back really! You know it was more fun than you expected! Even if i did act a bit strange! haha! It was the emotional effects i blame! :p

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