
Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Lozzie_Pook, Feb 1, 2008.

  1. Lozzie_Pook

    Lozzie_Pook New Member

    Hi there. I looked but didnt see if this question had been asked yet. But the Accomodation. Do you have to get in with the Halls of Residence? Because me and my partner have been seriously thinking about buying a house in Orlando for a while. Or is that not possible? Do you need to be living in their quarters?

    Sorry if i sound dumb! But thanks for looking!
  2. TraceyBrown

    TraceyBrown New Member

    If you're in one of the Disney programs you HAVE to live in the Disney residence.
    Unless you are a American Citizen and you are living in Orlando then there is no problem at all.

    But then you would just be a regular Disney Cast Member, not part of the ICP or CRP.
  3. canada

    canada New Member

    No you don't have to live there. However, your rent will still be deducted regardless of where you are.
  4. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Yes, as canada said, you don't have to live there, but you have to pay the rent anyway. BUT on the visa you get you're not allowd to rent or buy anything in your name! So you have to know an american who would be willing to help you with that.
  5. Lozzie_Pook

    Lozzie_Pook New Member

    Wow. Thats all so very complicated lol. Something to think about though. Me and my partner have always dreamed of working for Disneyworld, but the situation with this particular program is that one might get a job and the other wouldnt. So its hard! Ah well. I can still keep looking into other options!

    Thankyou so much for replying to me and helping me out.
  6. TinkTingeling

    TinkTingeling New Member

    Are you married? Because they have to people apartments, and you're allowed to live together if you're married!
  7. Lozzie_Pook

    Lozzie_Pook New Member

    We're not married yet. Engaged, half way there! lol

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