I can probably guess that each of the apartments do not allow pets. I just wanted to chack and make sure they do not before I can make a decision as to whether to apply or not for the internship.
This is my first post! I've already done the program and I just got on the boards now. No, the apartments don't allow pets of any kind. However, for house inspections they post a sign in advance so you have time do move your contraband to a friend's apartment for a little while. I knew people down there who fish. I remember some Norwegian guys in my building kept a turtle named Captain Morgan and didn't get caught either! Don't let this deter you from going to Florida though!!!! I am SOOOO glad I got the chance to go and I wouldn't take that year back for anything! Besides, I guess you could always make friends with the evil (and likely rabid) Commons raccoons!
i live in 25 right in front of that racoon infested dumpster, the rotten things sat on my foot last week x