living arrangements!!

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by mac shell, Sep 30, 2009.

  1. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Hey, Michelle here :D very excited about next summer and just have a few questions for those how have been before!!

    whats the living accomodation like?

    I no that you can share with different number of people but what do you recomend more of less!!

    I thought the more the better but one fo my friends has been before and said she thinks the smaller the better :s

    Be great to hear what you all think :D
  2. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    Well, it's cheaper to live with more people, but I've heard that living with too many [girls in your case] is a bit too much. Espech with bathroom arrangements and such. So I'd say somewhere in between the least and highest amount is a good idea?
  3. TJCI

    TJCI New Member

    When I did the college program in 07 I was in a 3 room apartment with 5 other guys and it was great. The only differance was that I was doing the US college program and not the international one. So we all worked in different areas of the property (resorts, parks, entertainment...). There were only a few times that we were all together in the apartment at the same time during the day. Everyone was on different scheduals so it was always pretty quite.
  4. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    when i went summer 08 i was also in a 3 bedroom, so with 5 other girls. 2 of the girls none of us got on with but the other 3 were great so the 4 of us just stayed outta their way as much as we could! at the same time my friend was in a 2 bedroom and her room mate was never in and she didnt get on with the other 2 the more people you live with the more likely you are to find people you get on with...but then again being icp means very different and my roommate were never awake at the same times cause she worked days and i did nights!

  5. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Also, for the ICP when you arrive you are just allocated rooms - you can't choose your housing complex, or how many people you live with! (Certainly the case for summer).
    I was in a 4 bed - there were 8 of us, and we all got on pretty well! No-one I really hated (although the Asians never seemed to sleep!) - me and my room-mate often had different schedules, I would often not be home until after midnight, often she had to be up by 7 - so we could go a long time without seeing the other one! :)
    But it was all good fun though, and more people = cheaper rent!
  6. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    really ? a didnt even think of like different scheduals n stuff :s lol yea a think the more people to share the better unless they were really untidy probs drive me a we bit crazy lol!

    so when you have days of n stuff a take it you dont hang around with the people u live with is it more the people you work with??
  7. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    i know a lot of people who got on really well with their roommate but because everyone has their own friends plus their work friends and their friends its hard to keep up with the people you live with when your hardly there at the same time as they are!
  8. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    I hung around with so many random people - my room-mate and another one a lot of the time, a couple of friends from work, some people I knew before I arrived, a couple from my flight, random people I met on the bus/at bus stops..... you just meet people EVERYWHERE!!!!!
    Some of the nicest people I met were randomly on buses actually.... ;)
  9. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    exactly you're literally picking up friends wherever you go and then the friends of all the random friends you met!
  10. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Yea, you could hang out with a different person everyday of the summer, it is pretty cool. But it can be annoying when you try to organise things, as everyones schedules are soo different. I had mondays and tuesdays as my scheduled days off. It was so cool. I also hung around with different people. I got on really well with my roommate who i shared a room with, we actually had close schedules and always ended up staying up late all the time, was great fun.

    But as Katie said you cannot choose where you go and who you share with. I think you can make a request but thats all.
  11. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I thought I'd add my twopennys as I attended the ICP in 2008... I was in a 3 bed apartment in Vista Way...I really liked the complex although lots of people say it's scabby - yes, it's older than the other complexes but it's still perfectly acceptable! Anyways, I shared with 3 girls from Barbados, one Puerto Rican and one Mexican (I think...). We had our differences at times but on the whole it was fine and I mostly hung out with friends from work or from my flight :)
  12. Laura Jane

    Laura Jane New Member

    I had a 3 bedroom apartment in Vista Way as well. Me and my 5 roomies all got on really well but was hard finding a time we were all off work! Think we were only all together twice over the 3 months!
    Only complaint about the apartment itself would be that maintenaince became our best friends - everything broke for us! haha xx
  13. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    I did ICP '08 and lived in a 3brdm in Vista. The apartment was awesome, lots of space and stuff. We were on the first floor, so right near the washers/dryers. We only saw a couple cockroaches the whole summer but our toilets were always broken and our phone was touch and go. The 3 bedroom wasn't bad. I was there first, so I got the ensuite washroom which was super awesome. I hardly saw my roommates at all, but we still managed to fight! Lived with girls from Wales, England, Hong Kong and Ottawa. Our shifts were verryyy different, but I spent most of my time with a couple guys we had met (my best friends today) and people from work. At one point I looked into switching apartments, but its a 50.00 application fee with no guarantee you'll get switched.
  14. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    oh really??
    what did you find to fight about? :S
  15. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    Different people have different ways of living. I like to spread out and am very clutter-y, but I also find things like dishes sitting around nasty. Some people's parents do their dishes for them, and they expect people to clean up after themselves in Florida too, and it can get frustrating. Boys can become an issue for sure, as well. There were always guys in our rooms and stuff. The thing is, Disney means different things to everyone.
  16. kimmiedancer

    kimmiedancer New Member

    hmm, yeah I can understand that.
    any ways you used for coping?
  17. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    To cope, I just focused on why I was there and the things I wanted to accomplish. My friends from work and others I had made were also good. I concentrated on spending my time in the places that made me the happiest and just avoided the places where I was unhappy.
  18. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    if you go with someone can you request to share a room with them? x
  19. disneydreamer

    disneydreamer New Member

    depends. you can put in requests but its rarely they listen to them. if you're a returning icp they listen to you more and if your an america cp you can pretty much pick who to live with in some cases...
  20. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    its just im coming over with my bf and it just seems to make sense if we stayed together, im not sure if they do mixed sex dorms tho anyway, i dont mind sharing with anyone im just not keen on the 1am kurfew for visitors!

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