Life guard question

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by slightlymazmad, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    I've been thinking about this for a week or so now and i was wondering if anyone had any answers or just suggestions.

    I'm going across in the summer to work as a lifeguard on the ICP program. My eyesight is not the best in the world and most of the time (all of the time) i wear contact lenses (or glasses).

    I'm beginning to think that maybe they wont allow me to do lifeguarding because without my glasses/contacts i cant really see all that well, i see but things are blurry especially things far away. Plus i'm not meant to get water in my eyes if i have contacts in (hell when its raining).

    I did pass my bronze medallion over here about two years ago with the same amount of vision and i did a ten week placement helping out at a swim club where no one said anything about it. When i'm swimming i wear these goggles with lenses in them.

    I'm kinda worrying myself about it. I know that if i dont pass the lifeguard training then they'll give my another position somewhere but i wouldnt be happy doing something else. I understand that maybe they wont put me in one of the more crowded areas but i'd hate to get there and then be told i cant even attemp to pass the training. I also understand that it is Disney and they (along with everywhere else) need to keep things to a high standard but there is nothing wrong with my ability just my eyesight.

  2. Michael

    Michael New Member

    Hey there...

    im doing the same as you kiddo... lifeguarding next summer as an a ICP and jst like you i would have HAPPILY accepted ANY job at Disney cos im dying to go BUT lifeguarding is what i wanted to do and i wud neva have enjoyed anything as much...

    to be honest i dont know the rules and guidelines for SURE but i can not see it being a problem.. you have to wear sunglasses while on duty SURELY anyway.. can you get prescription sunnys? theres the vigilante part sorted immediatly.. whilst "in action" i dont know what type of regulations they have.. i doubt they have us put goggles on before we go resuing or assisting.. im not knowledgable myself so is it possible to get contacts that can be worn whilst swimming? i cant imagne it workin but i may be wrong..

    i dont know how to help you really sorry but wanted to try and get involved haha maybe e-mail alexis and explain ur problem.. HIGHLIGHT your awards etc despite your eyesight and see what she says...

  3. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    My eyesight is *appalling* and I spent all summer lifeguarding at Blizzard Beach, so don't worry about! Disney do insist on basically perfect eyesight when your working, but it's fine for that to be achieved with glasses or lenses.

    Disney insist that you wear sunglasses whilst guarding, so you have too choices: Prescription Sunglasses or Contacts. If you can, I'd suggest day contact lenses. If you use them, you haven't got a problem when it gets dull and you want to take your sunglasses off; if they're day-long, it doesn't matter too much if they get ruined when you jump in, as you can just have another pair in your hip-pack to replace them with.

    So it won't make a difference at all - you can just as likely be in one of the more crowded areas!

    Anything else you want to know, feel free to PM me!

  4. slightlymazmad

    slightlymazmad New Member

    Thanks so much guys :D I feel loads better now!

    At the moment i wear monthly ones so a trip to the optician before i go should sort that problem.

    I feel so much better now - roll on the summer

  5. adjonline

    adjonline New Member

    Yeah, sorting it out in advance is slightly more sensible than my way; I didn't consider it and ended up having to persuade the opticians over the phone to change my type and get my parents to send them out.

    Have a great time!

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