Leaving Tomorrow Guys!!!!!

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by lozamungo, May 1, 2010.

  1. lozamungo

    lozamungo New Member

    Howdy all!!

    Righto... I'm leaving tomorrow morning and am briiickkinng it!!! Gatwick-Orlando 11.20... So i shall be mighty jet lagged when i arrive :)

    If you wanna see what the appartments etc etc are like or just generally want to know how its going so you get the jist of it, whack me an add on msn: lozamungo@hotmail.com orrrrr im trying to get in to this skype thing so the parental ones dont moan at me for not keeping in contact... my name is lauren.ardolino on that, i think im the only one... fun times!

    Wish me luck!!!

  2. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    WOW! Have a safe journey!!! ;D
  3. chanm002

    chanm002 New Member

    Good luck! Keep us all up to date with the Disney-ness! :)
  4. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    :eek: have fun! 30 days left for me! You should create a blog btw on like webs.com then u can post ur pics up on that and write about it all :) x
  5. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Good Luck!!!

    r u doing the CRP?? If so i will see you in September ;D
  6. hannah89

    hannah89 New Member

    Have an amazing time! I'm so jealous!

  7. lowrigokarts

    lowrigokarts New Member

    Good luck and have fun hun... and keep us up to date :D
  8. lozamungo

    lozamungo New Member

    hi all!!!

    so far...it's been WELLLLLL fun!!! crazily hot, so dont even think about bringing jeans of any kind... i regret just the one pair i brought now! Bring lots of suncream, or buy it out here... anddd....be prepared for disorganisation on the bus front when you get off the plane...lots of waiting around for visa immigration stuff and stayed awake for over 24 hours and had to go to walmart looking like a homeless tired wreck...always fun!! so sleep on the plane if you can but its hard!

    its goooood...i got work in MK :) busy hours and 5am starts so far, but its been fun! eeek!! start work work soon! also, traditions are quite strict... so dont think you can get away with some stuff... my hmate got thrown out today... so be warned!! haha

  9. chanm002

    chanm002 New Member

    Glad you're having fun! :) Thanks for the update!

    Why did they get thrown out?!
  10. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    ahh how scary! I won't be able to sleep i'll be too excited lol

    and when u get back on just some quickies-

    Whats everyone been wearing for traditions?

    and whyd they get thrown out? outta the program/flat or just out of traditions? x
  11. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Ooh exciting! I love MK! Where abouts are you working?

    And yes, they are strict to stick to the rules. And don't bother with jeans :p
  12. scarlettheart

    scarlettheart New Member

    I'm gonna bring one pairof jeggins as a substitute for jeans! x
  13. 03goodl

    03goodl New Member

    Oh me too!! I'm just gonna wear them on the plan to at least say i got some use out of them!!
  14. scarlettheart

    scarlettheart New Member

    They are just too comfy to leave behind!

  15. lozamungo

    lozamungo New Member

    nah not thrown out properly, but had to do traditions late and therefore has to start work late and stuff...so no money! bad times... so be careful. linen trousers are a bit iffy aswell, i didnt risk it, but its up to you. hmmm what else...

    the flight day is stressful adn tring to find your way round walmart after no sleep is crazy, so if you can, bring a duvet or blanket or something, im happy i did! pillow is easy enough to get and doesnt mean you have to concentrate! haha the weather here is ridiculous, but bea-utiful!!! im just heading to the pool now... its actually ace. im in vista btw and its the best :p so fingers crossed for you all to be living here because there are only 17 english here, sad eh!?!? xx
  16. scarlettheart

    scarlettheart New Member

    Awwww do you have pictures?! Glad you're having a great time!!!
    How many outfits did you take for traditions?

  17. lozamungo

    lozamungo New Member

    got pics on fb :)

    only take one outfit, ive worn mine like 2/3 times... but its alright because you just take it off when you get home and you just wont ever wear it again, so it would just waste loaddddsa room in the suitcase if you bring more... also, dontbother about the work shoes... bring black smart ones for traditions...like pumps which you can wear again type thing.. but just buy work shoes out here cuz you dont know what youll need xx
  18. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Yep :) YAY exciting, I was in Vista too!! Where you working?

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