
Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by emmyw87, May 3, 2010.

  1. emmyw87

    emmyw87 New Member

    Hi Everyone

    On my forms I put i could speak german as i speak it quite well, but havent spoken it for about a year or so and am a bit rusty. I am diong some prep before disney to check i am up to scratch, but wondered what happens when i get out there, if i cant speak enough german etc ?

  2. helium7suz

    helium7suz New Member

    I don't think it actually matters. You can get these little flags on your name tag to show guests that you're able to talk to them in another language but to get it you need to take a test once you arrive at Disney.
  3. emmyw87

    emmyw87 New Member

    ok thts what i thought , glad someone else thought it aswell !

    thanks for the fast response xx

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