Hi, ive been looking through this site and its great. One thing i do want to know is What is Kid Cot? I think someone else asked but got no answer, but I really want to know, as its confusing me when everyones talking about it.
it's where kids can make things (it used to be a mask i think, that every country could stamp), they can also get their disney passports stamped. they are normally located somewhere in merch, in each pavillion.
Hey, Yes Happygirl, as Rudy said. It is bascially getting a mask stamped all around the 11 countries. It is nice for the kids, they get some divertion. It is basically 2 or 3 castmembers, set around a big table, handling the stamps , and talking to the kids. It is nice, but it can sometimes get noisy. But bet it is worth trying!!! See ya Robb ;D
Yeah each pavillion do have its own kidcot table, and they write you phrases in their language, merchandise usually takes care of kidcot See ya Carlos F&B Jul 03-04 Mexico
Kidcot is one of those places that I assume might not be too bad to work but I worked it on the day when I had the worse hangover of my life and thought I was going to die from 10-6 without a real break. I was ready to kill someone after that!!!!! (especially seeing as I was meant to be having a nice quiet day on podium seating people)
Well, not all are noticable, although there is one right in front of the Canadian Pavilion. I think most of the other Pavilions have right inside theirs. Gary
Hey Gals and Guys!! Hope u r fine. Hey I do wonder too, if I can switch just for one day to be in Kid Cot, I am sure I am wanna try and help kids around. u know the only Kid Cot station I saw was the French one inside the big store, where all the Madeleine things are sold. See ya Robb ;D
Merch was really short staffed at the time and we were overstaffed. It was however the only day anyone got sent over there from F+B for the entire year I was there
I would have thought it would be due to insurance reasons.....like what if anything was to happen to the kids!? like what if one of them fell off a bench and cut themselves!? ??? Ellen xxx
yeah thats what i was thinking. and also when im teaching, there has to be a certain no of adults to kids. id think it'd be the same out there! xxx
In the UK one when I was there they only had me doing it most of the time but because the desk is in one of the shops the person in the shop is there if you need them too. Usually there is two people but it depends on how busy the park is.
so is the person doing kid cot not having to move every hour then??if you were doing it most of the time as you say does that mean if youre good at kidcot you just stay there?? xx
No the way it works in all the shops is that you are rotated around the shops during the day. Kidcot is classed as a merchendise location and therefore is included in this process so for instance you'd spend an hour in a shop, an hour on a cart outside, an hour on kidcot then another hour in a shop. Hope this makes sense. Its all done using computers so you don't get put on kidcot if they think you are good at it. Its random whether you are there or not, and the times on here are just to illustrate what I mean
Hey Gals. AWWWWWW. I really wanted to do KidCot, but I am headin for attractions. Anyway, I think all the positions are cool. I will be "How many in ur party?" "5?? then 3 on the line 1, and 2 on the line 2" Hahahahahaha. Hope u r cool See ya Robb ;D
Kidcot is great - you get to invent elaborate stories and tell them to american kids (who believe pretty much everything you're saying) ... "I used to date Prince William" ... "my parents live in castle" ...  - etc. etc... The mask room at the back of Toys has (or had!) lots of masks squeezed onto the walls (not sure if Kidcot is still there...) so i used to invent stories about adventurers from england - think it amused me more than the kids... Ellen - Young children are meant to be supervised at all times in any Disney park (its one of the conditions when you enter the park) so thats how they get away with only having 1 person on kidcot (even when you've got 20 kids around you!!!! ...sneaky Disney eh!) Robb - if you're canada attractions, you'll should still get to do Kidcot tot ziens