So i finally got round to sending in my CV, I know they dont start the whole process again until July but i thought i might as well get in early I thought they might have emailed saying they have or haven't recieved my CV, but I've not heard not really sure whether to drop them a quick email asking if they got it or just trust the system and wait patiently What do you guys think? ???
Yummy jobs are very busy Give it a few days You may or may not recieve and email They will email you if your succesful fora phone interview Im sending mine in a few weeks time Good Luck
Yes, you should wait, at least until july is a bit closer, then you can send an email asking if they still have it and that you're still interested...
Thanks for your replies! I thought i should wait but just wanted to know everyone on heres opinions is there a specific person id need to contact at Yummy Jobs when it gets to nearer July?
I would try Michele or Kristen. When I sent in my cv, I did it by post and they phoned me to tell me that they'd received it and about the programme.
Michelle would probably be your best bet as Kristen now only works for the Canadian side of the company.
Hey Karritada! Like Dom said, yummy r very busy, so dont worry if u dont here back from them straight away! However...I was was waitlisted after my interview last september and by th time itd got 2 January I still hadnt heard anythin so I emailed basically stressin my love for Disney! & asking if they cud plz keep me in mind if a position became avaliable and they literally rung me within an hour of sending th email and offered me th job. I very much doubt I would have ever heard from them again unless id made th move to connect them. So id just say throughout th application proccess if ur worried about them losing ur CV or anythin like that, then a friendly email or phone call never hurts! Good luck! x Amy x