Hey guys.... just thought I would let you know that, after much deliberation, I have decided to go for the HRC flight instead of the Delta one that Disney sort out for you lot.... I'm a bit nervous about having to travel on my own...and absolutely convinced that I will somehow get lost at Orlando International Airport and everyone will leave without me, and I'll have no way to contact anyone....but it'll all be good fun and part of the independent experience! sad as I am to not be meeting any of you until we get to the airport (or maybe the commons, depending on when my flight lands) choosing this option does have it's benefits....it'll be a direct flight, it'll be on Virgin Atlantic (YAYNESS!) or BA and apparently, money wise it's more advantageous....i don't know why Disney haven't caught onto that and do it like that for everyone...: Anyways, I just thought I'd let you know...I know Dan and Sarah will be devastated to have lost a London flyer (maybe...:) and now me and dave won't be able to have a drink to rub in everyone's faces that we're older than them!! () but I'm looking forward to meeting everyone when I get there! YAY!! Can't wait...only 11 days now people! Ellen xxx
3rd time unlucky. Hey everyone, Just wanted to let you all know that the post man brough bad news today. It seems I have unsucessful with my application, again. Im starting to think i will never be good enough for those guys.
HEY GUYS SO I'll be leaving in like what three weeks and im soo excited its gonna be great to live in florida!!! I cant believe how quickly the summer went by. I have been at camp for the past 6 weeks and it has been amazing ...one week of vacation starting the 19th and then one week home and then DISNEY!!! AHHHHHHHHH. Brigette , Jamie , Joelle Sheena how excited are you guys??? Anyway gotta run as usual camp is calling ahhah very little time for me and yet i still enjoy it!! Talk to you guys soon!!!!! Bye! Liz
Arribas Brothers/ Ausreise 14.März 2006 Hallo, es gibt ja im Germany Pavillon 4 Kategorien wo man arbeiten kann ( Merchandise, Food & Beverage, Kid Cot, Arribas) gibts hier Leute die bereits bei der Arribas Company arbeiten oder vor haben dort anzufangen( Kristall Produkte Verkauf...) oder seit Ihr alle F&B oder Merch? Ich hab die Chance dort zu arbeiten und wollt mich mal vorinformieren ??? Ein weiteres Ding is das: Wer fliegt nächstes Jahr im MÄRZ ???? rinjeklatscht
Je suis accepté slt à tous je suis accepté ;D ;D ;D ;D Je part le 25 avril pour Epcot en tant qu'hote patisserie!!!!! Y'a t'il d'autres personnes qui partent le meme jour que moi??? je suis très content!!! ;D
K, im going for 3rd time lucky I have been a member of the boards for a good 6 months plus now i have come and gone as i did fail at the 1st hurdle then the 2nd hurdle and now im hoping to go all the way this time. I would like some suggestions from those who have failed in their application the first time and then gone onto be accepted as i would love to get onto this programme. A couple of questions:- 1. How should i send my application/CV. E-mail, regular mail etc? 2. Should i include a picture on my CV? Any response would be much appreciated. And thanks for all the guys and girls who were of great support on my previous applications as well. Nath
London Interviews March 13th Hello Is anybody going to be at the london interviews on that date, or does anybody have any tips for the interviews themselves? I just got home from the IP, will the questions be similar? Help would be really appreciated Danielle xxx
UK stuff- insurance, flights.... Hi everyone, hope you all good wherever u r! will quickly introduce myself as it's my first official post! woohoo! ! I'm Suzie, am 22, currently finishing my degree at Stirling uni in Scotland, and leaving for the bright lights of WDW on 20th June to work in Merch! So excited like the rest of you guys...wish I was there now- it's too cold up here!-but am learning to be patient.....! Anyways, was wondering if any UK participants could let me know please what insurance you are using for the first 4months? what are the cheapest? etc. Also when do we get our flights booked? Thanks guys, looking forward to chatting to you all online and for real very soon! Take care, Suzie xxx
what do I need? Hiya all!! I am trying to sort out my stuff for the ship and I dont know if I need an iron?? Also I am working as a youth counselor and not sure what shoes I need. I read somewhere that I need beach sandals!! is that true and does anybody know where I can get them in the UK?? Any other advice would be appreciated Thanks Hales
Job Placement For anyone that has worked in disney: When you get there do you have any choice in where you work, like a specific park or (I am QF&B) a specific food place? Thanks
May 14th... It's coming up quick!!! OK everyone!!! I'm done my exams... and man am I EVER ready to go to Florida now!!! lol May 14th isn't that far away now!! Less than three weeks can you guys believe it?!?! I'm soooo excited I can barely stand it! I got my package and its soo fun and just makes me want to go even more!!! haha oh and I have a question for anyone who's already down there or may know this umm... about the apartments and stuff we're living in right... i'm hearing that odds are i'm PROBABLY gonna be in Vista but I mean that's not for sure but haha back to my point... the closet space... haha is there a lot??? Is it like drawers or a hanging closet?? I know you share a room with another person so I got to thinking how much room I would actually have. lol so if anyone has any info about that i'd appreciate hearing it ANYWAYS back to being super excited ;D Has anyone started packing?? haha cause I have!! What time is everyone arriving on May 14th?? Do you think we'll all be living close or will we be spread out?? Ahh there's just sooo much to think about! I can't believe i'm going to work at Disney World in less than three weeks!!! it's unreal! lol ;D SOOOOO EXCITED!! CAN'T WAIT!!! TALK TO YOU ALL SOOOOOON! shayna* xo
May 14th... It's coming up quick!!! OK everyone!!! I'm done my exams... and man am I EVER ready to go to Florida now!!! lol May 14th isn't that far away now!! Less than three weeks can you guys believe it?!?! I'm soooo excited I can barely stand it! I got my package and its soo fun and just makes me want to go even more!!! haha oh and I have a question for anyone who's already down there or may know this umm... about the apartments and stuff we're living in right... i'm hearing that odds are i'm PROBABLY gonna be in Vista but I mean that's not for sure but haha back to my point... the closet space... haha is there a lot??? Is it like drawers or a hanging closet?? I know you share a room with another person so I got to thinking how much room I would actually have. lol so if anyone has any info about that i'd appreciate hearing it ANYWAYS back to being super excited ;D Has anyone started packing?? haha cause I have!! What time is everyone arriving on May 14th?? Do you think we'll all be living close or will we be spread out?? Ahh there's just sooo much to think about! I can't believe i'm going to work at Disney World in less than three weeks!!! it's unreal! lol ;D SOOOOO EXCITED!! CAN'T WAIT!!! TALK TO YOU ALL SOOOOOON! shayna* xo
Hi from DLP Hey guys, Just a quick one to say hi and congrats to the waitlisted people who have got their calls in the past week - really pleased for y'all! It feels just like being back home here - back in my old residence and still a lot of familiar faces around. My job at Rock is incredibly complicated - got 20 pages of info to learn before I can pass my 'check-out' but it's all good. Weather is amazing - been burning hot every day so far - bit of a nightmare with jeans and an all black uniform but I guess it's all good preparation..... My housemates are good guys and got a couple of really nice Finnish and Dutch girls in the apartment nextdoor so always people around to do stuff with. On that note, I'm spending no more of my day off in front of a PC, so cya later! Andrew 8)
has anyone haf their interview and just waiting to hear from disney? Hey I am soooooooooo scared I want this job soooooooooooooooooo much and I am very scared I will not get it. Is anyone in the same position as me who arfe yet to hear from disney? pls reply if you are good luck and take care guys and gals GAV ;D
UK visa appointments - what do we need to bring / fill out? Hi guys! I am considering applying for the international college program next year as technically i'll be on a "sandwich" work experience year away from uni and I was just wondering what information requires to be taken to our appointments? Due we need proof that we are in higher education as per the letters yummy jobs sent me? Do we need referees or medical clearance or criminal checks? Just wondering as I applied for a canadian work visa when I was 19 to work on the slopes in the rockies and I didn't really need to bring anything along!
Botschaftstermin Hallo, bevor ich zur Botschaft fahre wollte ich mich vergewissern, dass ich alles mitnehme und da nicht zweimal antanzen muss. Hier mal die Dinge von denen ich weiss, dass man sie mitnehmen muss. Wenn noch jemand was ergänzen kann bitte bescheid sagen! - Formular: DS-156 DS-157 i797 - Reisepass - Foto 5x5cm (auf weissem Hintergrund) - Zahlungsbestätigung von Roskos & Meier - frankierter Rückumschlag (wie ich gehört habe reicht es, wenn der so groß ist wei mein Reisepass?!) - dann wurde mir gesagt ich bräuchte Kopien von gewissen Dokumenten, wohin ich fliege, warum, was ich da will und das ich auch ja zurückfliege. Kann da nur in etwa einschätzen was gemeint ist, wenn jemand genaueres weiss, immer her damit. Vielleicht hilft das ja hier auch dem ein oder anderen.
For all the UK Guys.... Hi I am having some trouble filling out the DS-157 form, I bring it up online and when i enter for example the name and address of my contact in the US, the address is so long that it dissapears upwards on the online form, and when I print it only the last few lines are visable. Same with my employment history, There simply isn't enough room to fit it all in electronically, and the info dissapears upwards. Anyone got any advice on sorting this? Or have you all printed it off and filled it in by hand? I wasn't sure if hand written was acceptable or not. Help! Thanks - Jeremy
Welche genauen Maße beim Schloss für den locker? Hey Leutz, ich wollt gern schon ein schloss für meinen locker drüben mitnehmen, aber dafür brauche ich die genaue größe. leider helfen dabei angaben wie "mitterlgroß" nicht weiter. Vielleicht hat ja jemand ein Schloss da drüben und kann mir mal eben sagen, wie breit, welchen druchmesser der "bügel/schenkel" hat und wie hoch das schloss ist, das passt. ich werde wohl ein zahlenschlos nehmen, von abus zb. wäre lieb wenn ejmand ne passende antwort hätte. glg und dank mimi
Internetzugang in den Commons Hi @all, ich würd gern mal wissen, was für ne internetverbindung in den commons besteht. ist da lan oder w-lan? habt ihr euch ein Kabel vorher gekauft oder mitgebracht? wie funktioniert das in den appartments? kann immer nur einer und nur vom wohnzimmer aus?oder gibts in den zimmer (wenn lan) auch anschlüsse? glg mimi