June 20th - Flights from London!!

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by catfish278, Dec 8, 2009.

  1. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Heyyy... just thought I'd set up a thread for everyone flying 20th june from london so we can get to know each other before the airport and see if there are good deals for the flights etc!

    So, just to introduce myself - I'm Catherine and I am doing main entrance operations :) You can add me on facebook, my full name is Catherine Bass (Bournemouth and Bristol networks... my profile pic is currently my disney badge so it's pretty obvious). I did the ICP in 2008, merchandise, so please ask if you have any questions - doesn't matter how stupid they seem!! ;D
  2. gevernon

    gevernon New Member

    Hey!! I go on June 20th too, and im in merchandise! Just added u on facebook....

    I have a question which seems kinda stupid lol....

    Do u get to keep your name badge?!! I want to frame it!! lol x
  3. Disney4ever!

    Disney4ever! New Member

    Heya, off out on 20th too, feel free to add me! It's easier to find me by my email lol, rooskiman@yahoo.co.uk ;D
  4. gevernon

    gevernon New Member

    Added! :)

    How do I make one of those badge things? When it says 'going to Disney in ... days'

  5. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Click mine in my signature, it should take you to the website to make your own!!

    And as for your badge, yes you get to keep it of course ;D Mine is safely in my Disney memories box where it wont get damaged! VERY tempting to wear it to the airport next year but I don't think I will LOL.. I want a new one anyway!
  6. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Oops I took the link off my badge... heres the site: http//www.mickeypath.com :p
  7. aimeejaneg

    aimeejaneg New Member

    hey! I'm aimee, doing merchandise, flying from London. Anyone looked much at the tickets yet? I'm sort of hoping virgin or ba will have christmas/new year sales...
    oh and feel free to add me on fb, aimee grieve (lse network)
  8. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    hell yeah, hoping for a virgin new year sale!
  9. Disney4ever!

    Disney4ever! New Member

    When in January do they start the sales? 1st onwards?
  10. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I have no idea, I am just hoping it will be sooner rather than later!
  11. Georgia

    Georgia New Member

    Hey, I'm Georgia and I'm Merchandise from june 20th :D So exciiited!

    Do Virgin definately have a sale? I'm pretty much ready to book now, I'm getting the Gatwick one which is £498 atm but I know prices tend to go up the closer you get :s x
  12. philiprussell1987

    philiprussell1987 New Member

    Hi guys,

    I did the ICP this year and I am doing it again next year. Virgin did a boxing day sale last year and I paid £360 return to Orlando, I guess they will do the same this year but dont expect prices to go that low this year...they seem to be more expensive this year. Maybe BA will do one aswell!


  13. gevernon

    gevernon New Member

    Thanks Phillip thats really helpful!! I might hold out for boxing day...The flights r £498 at the min so if I could even get it for £400 it would be good! Every penny helps! lol. Is everyone else gna wait? xxx
  14. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    yeh im gonna wait too. then if they dont go down i think im gonna go with the STA flight ;D
  15. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Yeah lets hope they do a boxing day sale again! sounds good!!

    Call me a rebel but I might just book a non flexible flight... I know from last time that most people want to do all this travelling afterwards but realise they just don't have any money after disney so end up coming home early... I am thinking I will stay in the US for maybe a week after the program... too broke for anything else but don't want to come back straight away as its a bit of a culture shock!
  16. Georgia

    Georgia New Member

    I'm not too bothered about getting a flexible one, I know I'll be ready to some back by then. It's my birthday on August 30th so I want to come back for a second party! I'd like to come back with a bit of money left aswell, so I'm certain I won't want to travel :) you're not alone! x
  17. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    just had the phonecall off hannah.
    just made me really excited now. cant wait to go now xD
  18. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Yeah I just had my phone call!! Woooo excitement! 8)
  19. gevernon

    gevernon New Member

    I havent had mine yet :( Do they do it alphabetically? I always have this problem cos my surname starts with V lol x
  20. lowrigokarts

    lowrigokarts New Member

    I had a phone call yesterday but i missed it lol
    They are going to phone me back today :)

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