June 20th Arrivals

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by Pippa90, Mar 23, 2010.

  1. Pippa90

    Pippa90 New Member

    Hi guys!
    I'm new to this ICP forum, and wanted us to find out who else is arriving at the same time :)

    I did the cultural rep program last year and the forums were a great way for everyone to get to know a few other people who are arriving together.

    I'm arriving on June 20th from the UK and working in Bell Services, sooo excited.

  2. Fayebeline

    Fayebeline New Member

    Hey Pippa

    I am arriving 20th June from the UK too, and will be working in merchandise! Sooo excited!! ;D Where are you flying from?

    Faye xx
  3. Disney Jess

    Disney Jess New Member

    i'm doing merch too, i can't wait! xx
  4. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    I'm june 20th too, in main entrance operations!!
  5. scarlettheart

    scarlettheart New Member

    Awww finally, someone with the same job as me (main entrance operations!)

    I arrive 1st June tho! xx
  6. tink13

    tink13 New Member

    I arrive on the 20th as well and I'm doin main entance operations :)
  7. Frou-Frou90

    Frou-Frou90 New Member

    20th June, Merchandise :)
  8. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    Ooh have I got you added on facebook?! I am really intregued to find out what we could be doing... add me, Catherine Bass (Bristol network!)
  9. lowrigokarts

    lowrigokarts New Member

    2 months left people ;D
  10. Kevus

    Kevus New Member

    Me to! im june 20th doing custodial 60 days people!!
  11. Mr T

    Mr T New Member

    Hey all

    Im Adam, flying out June 20th from gatiwck,

    Pippa I'm also doing Bell services ;D
  12. aimeejaneg

    aimeejaneg New Member

    yup! going out on June 20th too! I'm doing merch. Cannot believe that there are only two months to go :eek: Its going to be awesome ;D
  13. Disney4ever!

    Disney4ever! New Member

    Out on 20th June, Custodial, and starting to think i need to buy more stuff for this trip :S my flights have screwed up so i'm now not gonna arrive at WDW till 9-10pm, which is a real pain! ah well, i'll just drink lots of coffee!
  14. SiY

    SiY New Member

    I'm june 20th, Quick food and bevrage.

    Anyway flying with BA from Manchester?

    Actually i'm flying from Manchester to Gatwick, then onto Florida!! I get into Gatwick at 9.25am.
  15. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    June 20th, Attractions :)

    I'm flying American from Manchester, not arriving in O-town until 7pm... then I have to get luggage and whatnot!

    Main Entrance ops people - you could be working as an usher at cirque du soleil in downtown disney - what one of my friends did last summer!
  16. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    That's cool... although I still would rather work in the parks than DD... I can't be fussy tho having had such a great job last time!
  17. BeckyS

    BeckyS Guest

    :D I'm June 20th! Flying out on the 19th with Virgin from Manchester!

    I'm doing Quick Service Food and Beverage!! I'm getting really really excited now :D
  18. Disney Jess

    Disney Jess New Member

    Merccch :)

    I have some of you on facebook, but if not feel free to add me

    Jessica Jenkins

  19. seraphim_cry

    seraphim_cry New Member

    I'm in Costuming, flying out on 20th from Gatwick :D getting so close now! I'm so excited!

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