June 2010?

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by xmonekymistressx, Oct 24, 2009.

  1. xmonekymistressx

    xmonekymistressx New Member

    Was just wondering who else has applied to go next summer?

    Cause I would like to get to know folk before I maybe go off to be with them for three months.


  2. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    We have a Summer ICP 2010 thread (actually, I think there's a couple going on right now) that should be half way down the first page. Unless someone writes in it. And then my locating of it is all messed up :p

    But Hello! anyways. I've applied, although I hoep to leave in May as opposed to June :D

    Nice to have another fellow applicant!

  3. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member


    I've applied for next summer as well but i also want the May start date as it will count as work experience for my uni course.
  4. xmonekymistressx

    xmonekymistressx New Member


    I could leave in May...but the leaving date is the day before my birthday so im not sure I want to spend it jet lagged and stuff....and plus I won't be able to go out and stuff cause I will only be 20. :L

    But im really exited and stufff.


  5. Eve

    Eve New Member

    I applied to leave on June 1st or Maybe May 25th, All going well that I even get a F2F!! haha being very optimistic! ;D ;D
  6. xmonekymistressx

    xmonekymistressx New Member

    Well done Eve!
    Yeah those are the dates that i will prolly be leaving too.

    Im not sure if i got a f2f yet....but we will see.
    -fingers crossed-

  7. merfsko

    merfsko New Member

    Completely and totally off-topic but I just noticed that we all have the same avatar, which made me laugh :D
  8. xmonekymistressx

    xmonekymistressx New Member


    So we do.

  9. littlegreeen

    littlegreeen New Member

    when i first came on this discussion i was so confussed cos i didnt look at the names just the pictures and i was totaly lost lol!
  10. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    i had a preliminary f2f today at uni instead of a phone interview and i think it went well. Chloe (the interviewer) couldn't shut me up lol but it was more like a conversation than an interview.
    I hope i get a real f2f though.

    I love that we all have the same picture - i love Tink
  11. xmonekymistressx

    xmonekymistressx New Member

    It does kind of look just like one person having a converation with themself.

    I had chloe for my interview too. lol.
    We ended up talking about how neither of us could ever be bothered going to the gym ahaha.
    Im keeping my fingers crossed for everyone.
    I think the results come in soon....I know if i get a f2f it will be on the 12th of november, cause there are posters all over my uni. lol

  12. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    I hope we don't have to wait too long its killing me already. I wanna know now!!!!!!!!!
  13. xmonekymistressx

    xmonekymistressx New Member

    I know the feeling!!!!

    I think the last of the phone interviews are today? But im not sure...im actual so exited. ahaha.

  14. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    i'm so so excited, i have been for days though lol!!! I think its nervous excitement aswell coz everytime i think i might be going to Disney i get butterflies in my tummy.

    Jennie which uni are you from? i'm from Chester

  15. xmonekymistressx

    xmonekymistressx New Member

    haha. Im the same. I keep talking about it non stop. I think my friends are getting a bit annoyed. lolol.

    Im from Robert Gordon in Aberdeen. :)
    They are holding interviews there, so it means i don't need to travel if i get a f2f.


  16. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    yeah i start talking and my friends give me THAT look as if to say here she goes again lol

    I think our f2fs are in Liverpool if i get through to the next round

  17. xmonekymistressx

    xmonekymistressx New Member

    ahaha. Im actual obsessed with disney nowadays...its not good.

  18. kandicombo

    kandicombo New Member

    I'm sooooooooo obsessed i have Disney everything
  19. Eve

    Eve New Member

    Im also very veyr obsessed its ridiculous!!! Il have to travel from Ireland if i get a f2f but i really dont care!!! it will be worth it!! :):) i hope we will kno friday the suspense is killing me!!
  20. fleur_charms

    fleur_charms New Member

    I feel queezy at the thought of Friday...don't think I'll get in.
    I'm really anxious cause I was so honest, I told her I was slightly home sick when I got to uni. I was way too honest about that, didn't dwell on it but dropped it in, told her I was homesick at first but now its amazing. Really regret even mentioning it :(

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