I just heard from jason at Yummy and I have been accepted for the Academic Program! ;D The waiting is finally over! I'm sooooooooooooo excited! I'm merch & attractions from June 18th! Woo Hoo! ;D Ona x
Re: I'm going back! YAY! Congrats Ona! I will see you down there! I start June 13th at the Canadian Pavillion!
Re: I'm going back! Congrats!!! So is it really that good that u wana go again?? ahh cant wait! Well done hun
Re: I'm going back! congratulations Ona. you arrive only 5 days after me. do you know where you will live?
Re: I'm going back! Thanks guys! Sabrina, no I won't find out till I get there but it'll be most likely Vista or Chatham. Emmy-Lou, indeed it is! Lol! I had the most amazing year when I was on the IP. But it's gonna be toatlly different this time as I'll be a CP for a year. 8) Ona x
Congratulations Ona! ;D I might see you out there if all goes to plan!!! Well done! Has Nick heard yet?? ??? Laura.
Congratulations Ona So pleased for you Colin PS. Did I really qualify as a Disney Dork yesterday? Do they have meetings? LOL
Hey Ona, Thats so cool, so happy for you!! Merch and attractions should be fun, do you have any idea where youre gonna be? I guess you have to wait til you get there i suppose!! Have a great time, i know youre gonna love it out there again!!! Michelle xx
sorry need to ask some dumb-ass questions?? whats a cp...is it different from cultural rep and the college summer thingy... and yeah im confuesed?? what sort of things do you have to do?? is attractions like working on the rides and stuff?? cheers ;D kerri xx
Thanks again guys. Kerri, it is indeed different. I'm gonna be on the new J1 Academic program open to students and recent grads. It lasts for a year and basically it is two CPs (US students College Programs) joined together. We can work anywhere in WDW (on the usual entry level CP roles) and we study while we are there. Attractions is indeed working on the rides and shows (not stage shows, but 3D shows etc.). Ona x P.S. Colin, you really did qualify! Alas there are no meetings but we can organise outreach programs. Disney Dork Days YAY! ;D
wow ona ...that sounds so kool!! oooo i wonder what ride you will be on ... i would well choose splash mountain if i was doing it and had a choise!! xxx
Hey, This is what i'm doing arriving on the same day. Do you know where your going to be working? Im in the Magic Kingdom for the 1st 6 months! Katie
Alas, Kerri, we don't have any say in where we will be working. Hey Katie! Another June 18th person! Yay! ;D What two roles will you be doing? Where in the MK? How do you know you will be in the MK for the first 6 months? As far as we are aware, we won't find out our work locations until we arrive. :-\ Are you a grad or are you doing this as part of your degree? Were you at the interviews in Leeds? Do you know anyone else doing the program? Where will you be flying from? Lol so many questions! I do apologise! ;D We need a name too. It's driving me crazy typing J1 Academic Program all the time. So I think we should be APs (not annual passes ;D) from now on. What do y'all think. Ona x
Hey Im coming at the same time as KT (from the same Uni - along with 13 other ppl!) so there wil b alot of us arriving on that day. We all got emails (think they were from Jeff) saying that we were guna b doing Ops in MK for the 1st 6mnths and then merch in eithr 1 or the parks or 1 of the hotels 4 the last 6 months. We wernt told which part of Ops tho, so i guess we find that out when we get there. U mite get an email b4 u go with the park ul b in, I duno. KT and I r both doing it as part of a tourism degree. We went 2 interviews in London in november and r flying out from either London Heathrow or Gatwick. See you there! Nic x P.s. KT - hope u dnt mind me answering this post 4 u m8! Was just on here and thought id reply!
yeah i love Disney Dorks and would be happy to set up an official get together ! hee hee ! wow this new J1 programme sounds grrrrrrrrreat ! well done ! Disney Dave