Job length question

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Lindsay, Nov 14, 2007.

  1. Lindsay

    Lindsay New Member

    Hey there!

    I'm just wondering what the length options are for the cultural rep positions.

  2. lululemon

    lululemon Member

    Hey Lindsay!

    I'm not sure what you mean by length options...but if you mean length of contract, all cultural rep contracts (as far as I know) run for one year
  3. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    hi Lindsey,

    all the cultural rep are one year long contracts! only the ICP contracts are six months to a year... if you need any other info just give us a shout!!!
  4. pure~hillman~imp

    pure~hillman~imp New Member

    Being a year long and new recruits going out every six months or so what happens to the other ones there? Do they stay and the ones who started six months before them go, to be replaced by the new lot?
  5. *minnie**mouse*

    *minnie**mouse* New Member

    yeh thats pretty much how it works, they bring in a new group every so often and you compete the year the leave. people come and go throughout the year basically, there isn't suddenly a giant turnover of cult rep staff. theres a few arrival dates for cult rep throughout the year but i'm not overly sure how many. so there'll always be new folks and as well as old timers!
  6. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    yeah thats right there are always a mixture of people there old and new. there are roughly 8 departures and arrivals and each group that ends will have a group that replace them,
  7. pure~hillman~imp

    pure~hillman~imp New Member

    Thanks for the help, I wanted to get an idea of what to be expecting if i'm successful. :p
  8. lovethemouse

    lovethemouse New Member

    Well GOOD lUCK!!!
  9. linsey

    linsey New Member

    well, I arrived in june, there was an arrival group the week before mine, then since then we've had a group in july, 2 in august, 1 in september... in fact possibly 2 in sept, we've got one in the beginning of december... and I think that's just the BIG arrival groups. Sometimes they have 10 or so people in them, sometimes only 2 so there's a constant flow of folk into the pavillion with constant turnover for staff arriving and being trained, then getting trained on other positions, then (for food and bev), training to go into service or into the bar etc etc.

    Everyone is contantly moving around. of course, we lose people all the time too either end of contract leavers, terminations or self-terminations.

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