Je suisa ccepté

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by cmaxdu62220, Nov 19, 2005.

  1. cmaxdu62220

    cmaxdu62220 New Member

    slt à tous je suis accepté pour partir à DisneyWorld le 25 avril!!!!
    Je suis trop content!!
  2. cmaxdu62220

    cmaxdu62220 New Member

    ah oué j'été content pi je suis encore content, c'est incroyable, au début quand j'avais passé mon entretien à paris, je m'été dit : bah si je suis pas prit c'est pas grave, etc etc ben franchement joré fait une des ces gueulles je crois lol

    Je pense chaque jour à disney d'aileur je suis constamment sur ce forumm!!!
    et puis suis content je parle à plein de monde qui partira un peu avant, le meme jour et apres moi mdr

    EFRA-INN Guest

    I'm so glad for you cmaxdu... mais je... I don`t remember how to write in french :'( cause I used to take french classes and I got 4th leve of French... haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa so if you talk to me I understand a 60% haaaaaaaaaaa. But once I get there, I would like to study french again, And I don't know, I would like to try with japanesse or German language...

    Je suis si heureux pour vous, nous nous verrons là dans la ville d'Orlando (Was my expresion right?) haaaaaaa...

    ::) ::)
  4. cmaxdu62220

    cmaxdu62220 New Member

    yes u speak not bad french don't worry!! u're in usa now??

    EFRA-INN Guest

    No yet... I'm still in Mexico... but I'll be there on July 18th "F&B" Mexican Pabillion... I can't wait to be there!!!!... realy but... c'est la vie. Queest-ce que je puis faire?... only wait mon ami... only wait... 

       Now, I'd like to know something I know the meaning of "Sacres Bleu"... but, when do U use it?... You're going to be my french teacher... hahahahaha and if you would like to try with spanish feel free to ask for... ok?.

    ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
  6. cmaxdu62220

    cmaxdu62220 New Member

    oh my dead : "sacres bleu" it's an expression when u're surprise or angry, but this expression is not yet speaking coz it's a very very upper class expression, it was really important during 17-18è S with the Monarchy, and Nobilitas, perhaps some people always speaking this but in that case it's only in our old upper class family or in some people who are in the jet set!

    have u msn :

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