Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by Max, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. Max

    Max New Member

    Hi there!
    I'm Max and I'm Italian and I'm pretty unsure about whether applying for J1 garduate Pr o CRP.Everybody tells me good things about CRP but no one can tell me much about the J1 graduate.

    1- They told me during the courses u will have hard assignments and a final exam to get a degree in Hospitality. Do u know anything about this exam, Is it hard to pass or something like that? U need to study a lot during the 6 months?

    2- Is In the CRP so hard to be hired and on the contrary is it easier in J1 Graduate work and study program?
    In CRP your english MUST be fluent?
    I really appreciate If someone could answer me.

    Thank u x your help!
  2. goofy_lulu

    goofy_lulu New Member

    hi max!!!

    the graduate program is the one that im applyin for i am going on july !!!! and i like it more than CRP... i was also appliying first for the Crp but then i saw Graduate program and i prefer because you can study and if pustudy turism or you like it i think is better than the CRP... the other difference is taht CRP is one year and the other only months!!!
    also that in gradute program ypu have the opportunity to be in other areas of Disney not only Epcot center... so you can be Character...you can be working at a hotel!!! and diferents parts...

    soo really recomend you Graduate program...
  3. Max

    Max New Member

    I'm interested in J1 program as well but I just was worried about what they say about the final exam at the end of the 6 months...Someone says it's hard to pass, hope it's not so complicate!

    Thank u for your help!
    Have a nice stay in Orlando!
  4. goofy_lulu

    goofy_lulu New Member

    i dont think is going to be difficult i read a forum of an england girl and she said that is was so easy ... even she was a little bit angry about the simple things the saw during classes and that it was so elementary the english and things like that...

    i also hope is not going to be difficult... are you appliying for july???
  5. Max

    Max New Member

    I read it as well... :) Hope its true.
    No, I'm applying for October Cause this summer I decided to gain some money working in my city in order to pay fees... Anyway I think we'll meet over there during these 6 months.
    If u learn something new before leaving, let me know..

  6. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I only seem to know of like 4 of us applying for this program at the moment, from all over the world..

    Im hoping there will be a few more!
  7. goofy_lulu

    goofy_lulu New Member

    me too i dont see too much people.. but i think it will be there and all over the world im so excited to go.... is only 3 months!!!!!! jajajja
  8. NanaRichardson

    NanaRichardson New Member

    Hi guys!! i´m applying for October too!

    I just sent my papers the last week! so.. now just wait and wait :)
  9. NanaRichardson

    NanaRichardson New Member

    btw.. i´m Mariana and i`m from México! ;D
  10. Janey

    Janey New Member

    Oh gosh, I don't even know if I should be posting this here.. But I applied for this as well and was heading down to Milan for an interview next Tuesday. Now I got a phone call from Megan in the International Services and found out that University of Central Florida is not having the programme starting in July for which I applied. To be honest I can't remember much of the phone call but I guess it had something to do with the economic situation atm.. Anyway, I'm not having an interview on Tue and as I come from Finland there isn't a programme Disney could offer me to apply to so I'm not going to Florida. :(
  11. goofy_lulu

    goofy_lulu New Member

    wTF!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 you have to be joking i already have my interview i already sent my papers so.... i dont thing so may be they are hiring less people!!!!

    Sorry about that!!!
  12. I haven't heard anything from Yummy Jobs, until I do I think it is at least still running.

    Lucy ... if it was really cancelled for you, they would have contacted you. I have my interview in less than two weeks and i have heard nothing about this until I came on here.
  13. goofy_lulu

    goofy_lulu New Member

    i have the same thinking!! im not going to be dissapointed until the recruters in Mexica told me!!!1

    i hope is not!!!!
  14. Arwen_1983

    Arwen_1983 New Member

    Janey I am so sorry..... :'(
    I have almost the same problem than yours, because I already did the CRP and I can't do it again! :(
    So sorry we won't meet in Milan.... :(
  15. Janey

    Janey New Member

    It might be different to you guys but that's what Megan told me on the phone. And like I said, as a Finn I'm not eligible to any of the other programmes such as CRP.. :'( I didn't mean to worry any of you, please don't take it that way, I just needed to get it out of my system. And I truly and utterly hope you all get to WDW. Actually, I'm sure of it. Best of luck to those applying atm and congrats to those already chosen. :)

    Arwen, sorry to hear about your situation! :( It would have been so nice to meet you..
  16. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Ah really..

    Thats pretty wierd..

    I have my interview March 31st to do the graduate program..

    They haven't told me anything about the interview being cancelled...
  17. Janey

    Janey New Member

    That is strange... ??? Are there several J1 programmes then? Or maybe it's just us Finns because I thonk we're sort of an "extra" country in the process..
  18. neoleiner

    neoleiner Guest

    that problem is only for one country?

    thats something all want to know....

    where did it started?
  19. Janey

    Janey New Member

    I don't know if it's just for Finland, I'm only guessing...

    I was told the programme is cancelled because of the University of Central Florida.
  20. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I guess its just for finland...Otherwise other people would have heard I guess..

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