its nearly that time of the year already

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Jjsweet1402, Aug 14, 2005.

  1. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    So anyone in britian has most properbly noticed that its that time of the year again, when all the GCSE, AS levels and A level results are beeing published..

    So to anyone in the same boat as me, getting there A level results of thursday.....(emma, stu and everyone else) GOOD LUCK and i hope you all get what u need for university.

    don't forget to let us no how you get on, i'll be sure to post my results as soon as i get them, i'm not looking forward to getting them but i'll be glad to finally no it all over.


  2. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Big huge amounts of luck!

    I remember how it feels :eek:
  3. Zanitta

    Zanitta Member

    Same from me guys, I'm sure you'll all do great!
  4. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    i havn't been thinking about them really, i dont like thinking about it :-X
  5. tiggercharlotte

    tiggercharlotte New Member

    Good luck everyone! ;D Hope you get what you want! I remember it too- so nervewracking!
    Charlotte x
  6. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    i was trying not to think of em lol but the closer it gets the worse i feel!!! ever way i'm going out on the piss up that night to either celebrate or drown my sorrows!!!
  7. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    definatly - good luck to everyone ;D
  8. starzcrazie

    starzcrazie New Member

    okay, altho im not from UK but our education system is exactly the same as in UK
    and we also have the gcse, hkcee and a-level!! so i kno how it is as i've gone thru that as well

    so GOOD LUCK everyone!!! ;)
    have my fingers crossed fo yall! ;D
  9. Goldytap

    Goldytap New Member

    I forgot about results on thursday and im meant to be collecting my AVCE results! I know it already but i should collect them! Thanks for reminding me! Good luck to everyone collecting their results!
  10. topsassyuk

    topsassyuk New Member

    yeah good luck to everybody, hope you all get what you want :D
  11. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    yer i got that one to on saturday, some of the stuff is helpful other bits are just going over information we have already been given over and over again lol
  12. emma

    emma New Member

    yeah i got that2!

    thanks for all the support guys much appreciated!!

    the liverpool radio station has got a "results day challenge" on they will pay 100 pound to a student for them to open their results live on air in teh studio lol.......i was gonna enter but then i found out u have to wait unitl ten at night! no way im doin that!!

    GOOD LUCK GUYS!!!!!!!!!
  13. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    lol thats a mean idea :D
  14. helen

    helen New Member

    Good luck guys!!! ;D

    Really pleased its not me, don't like exams, that may be the reason I left school asap and got a job full time lol ;)
  15. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    yes i get my GCSE results next week :eek: lol nervous nervous nervous ....
  16. Jjsweet1402

    Jjsweet1402 New Member

    well good luck nat, hope u get what u want. just got in from the pub after getting my alevel grades but i'll post em in the results topic emma has so kindly started ;D ;D
  17. Natalie_UK

    Natalie_UK New Member

    aw thank you im hopeing to do well.... :D ill post mine when i get them...
  18. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    good luck :D

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