It's Monday, has the phone rung??

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Sellwegger, Mar 14, 2005.

  1. Sellwegger

    Sellwegger New Member

    If you're still waiting and get a call, post here :)

    That way we'll know who's got offered the last few jobs :-\

  2. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Didn't somone say they were still out of the office today?

    Got my fingers crossed for ya ;D
  3. swedey2k

    swedey2k Guest

    Havent heard yet, pet!

    Will let you know if i do.
  4. kelly_p

    kelly_p New Member

    yeah im pretty surethey are not in the office til tomoro, think of something else cos if u keep thinkin about it your gonna go mad - got my fingers and toes crossed for all of u ;D xxxxx
  5. Grouchy87

    Grouchy87 New Member


    I guess we'll all have to wait till tomorrow..... anyone have their number?

    Am going mad today and looking on here is making it worse am sure! lol.
  6. lizzybabe

    lizzybabe New Member

    think its 020 8521 9615. ill be on the phone at 9am!
  7. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    yeah their official email said they were out of the office until tomorrow, cos i too sent yummy an email, but i think this is just to more or less say they are concentrating on the last few calls, sending stuff out to accepted *which jason confirmed to me on thursday*, as well as making sure the guys departing 2moro go off ok. so i do think there will be calls here, bry, ill have a look if i have yummys number, i know i do somewhere!

    keep your chins up everyone

    Sar xx
  8. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    yeah thats the right number :)

  9. Grouchy87

    Grouchy87 New Member

    Me too! lol.  

    Thanks Sara, i didn't realise people were going tomorrow, well done them! lol.  I thoguht they would be spending today riniging and sending stuff out but so many people have persuaded me that they weren't! lol.  I guess we'll all just wait and see....

  10. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    no probs bry! yeah michelle & matt off here set off 2moro, so i can see yummy making sure everythings sorted! i know us leaving in june have to receive our info packs, as its all been changed jason only received them thursday so he has 2 go thru them as well as postin them out as we were supposed to get them around a month ago, so dont worry, im sure ull hear later on today!

  11. Grouchy87

    Grouchy87 New Member

    Thats cool, thanks very much! i might actualy be able to concentrate on work now!

    Will post on here if i hear anything!

  12. SaraC

    SaraC New Member

    awww yeah post when u know bry, got everythin crossed 4 all of u *needs a fingers crossed smiley thing*

  13. disney_dreamer

    disney_dreamer New Member

    fingers crossed for you guys ;)

    im thinkin of you all xxxxxxxxx :) :)

    love steph xxx
  14. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Good luck to Yummy and their jammed phone lines at 9am :D
  15. loops_li

    loops_li New Member

    Good luck to evryone calling tomorrow! Think we should bet on who gets through to Yummy first!

  16. disneyzoe

    disneyzoe New Member

    Has anyone phoned Yummy today? I'm so tempted, I just want to know either way.
  17. Chloe

    Chloe New Member

    Go ahead & call them. Always worth a try right? :) I have a feeling you might just get the machine though.
  18. josie

    josie New Member

    bry - you might be able to concentrate on work now?? this is me concentrating on work..... in the computers, 'looking up journals' but accidently find myself on this site.
  19. Tink_bell

    Tink_bell Member

    Tomorrow, people phoning at 9am (including myself) will prob get a message saying " This is a BT announcement, the number you require is busy, please try again later".
  20. josie

    josie New Member

    and then i will scream

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