
Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by adam87, Mar 12, 2007.

  1. adam87

    adam87 New Member

    hi there i have my interview soon (march21st) and i was just wondering could you guys who are already there or have been accepted tell me

    just around how many people were at your interviews and ?
    was it more females than males or other way round ?
    how long did it take for you to hear back ?
    do you get sent an email if you dont get through or you just hear nothing?
  2. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    1: there were about 25 people at my interview (cultural rep,in Glasgow last November)
    2: there were more girls than boys but the split was about 60/40,wasnt a big deal
    3: it took 3 weeks for us to hear back
    4: if you dont get in you WILL get an email to say so - they send out emails to everyone who attends the interview,either good news or bad!

    Good luck!!!! :)
  3. adam87

    adam87 New Member

    thank you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i will have my fingers crossed
  4. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    id say there was around 60/70 people at the london nov interview i went too - ratio of girls to guys around 3:1

    we weretoldwe would hear within 3 weeks but not all of us did. someof us waited longer and then got waitlisted before we were sent our job offer (a few days on the wait list is like a lifetime!!!)

    it was the cultural rep year long interview
  5. Gwen

    Gwen New Member

    Hi there!

    1. There were about 20 people at my interview in Rotterdam
    2. boys and girls were 50-50
    3. It took 4 days to hear from disney that I got accepted
    4. They will e-mail you either way..... if you got accepted or not.

    Just be yourself and good luck!!!:)
  6. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    does anyone no what time the interviews are likely to end, like the final possible time
    as i need to book my train home and ndnt wana miss it
  7. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    It depends how many people are there and how far away you live I think. I was finished by 11.30 and I think all of the interviews in my group were finished by about 3, maybe even earlier, I wasn't really taking much notice after I heard my name called! I'm sure if you had a train to catch they would make sure you were out on time though.
  8. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    cant you just book an open return train ticket? so that you can just jump on what ever train home you want?????

    At our interviews (which didnt start till 12 middday!) i was out by 3.30pm but i was in the middle of them,i think the last one was about 4.30pm....... the actual interview takes about 20minutes and they give you your time after the presentation so you will know approx when youl be finished!
  9. *Daniel*

    *Daniel* New Member

    hi there

    when i was at the castings in germany the presentation took about an hour, the real f2f interview about 20 mins. after the presentation i had to wait about two an a half hour for my f2f because i was one of the last ones on the list. anyway it was much fun to talk to the other applicants and the time passed very fast. so good luck on your casting and always keep smiling ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

    hope to see you in florida ;)
  10. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Last year (in Canada) I was one of the first ones into the inteview, but I think it took them about 3-4 hours to get through everyone... and that was after the presentation and everything. I would book an evening/late train if I was you.
  11. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    i as lucky i was in the seconed group of interviews at my interview. but i know one girl wanted to be interviewed early and wasnt down til 3pm - shehad asked yummy for an early interview time but they werent able to slip her in anywhere. best bet is to contact yummy jobs or whoever u are with and aks them what time the latest interview is going to be. add 30 minutes on it for overrun- just in case then add ya travel time for ya train
  12. linsey

    linsey New Member

    I was in the first 4 interviewed in mine (2 at a time between two interviewers) and so we were out by the back of 3pm (after the 12 noon start.. which was actually 12.30 by the time we got the forms filled out etc... and went up all those stairs!lol) so yeah, you can be out quick.

    All 4 of us hung and went to a pub for a bit. And all 4 of us got in too, so maybe it's good to go first after all! I think a lot of us in Glasgow got in though anyway...
  13. billy_92

    billy_92 Guest

    Hey I had my interview at the casting centre in florida lol!! Im from glasgow, so it was really fun. I was there on a 2 month prog and got accepted 2-4 days later on a 1 year program :)
    So i think its different for everyone, my friend jen had her interview on the 13th of february and she and everyone at those interviews, still havent found out, they keep getting emails telling them about visa delays. So Id just keep an openmind.
    Good LUCK!

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