Interviews on October 24 in Paris !

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by msep003, Oct 15, 2006.

  1. msep003

    msep003 New Member

    I'm not going to those interviews but there is some interviews on that date in Paris .

    who's going ?
  2. Pierrealex

    Pierrealex New Member

    I am! And I'm pretty sure it's on the 23rd, not the 24th.. ;)
    (j'écris en anglais puisque c'est la langue du forum ;) )
  3. TonyHeng

    TonyHeng New Member

    I am sure, this is tomorrow too ;-)

    (moi aussi j'écris en anglais puisqui c'est la langue du forum ;-))
  4. msep003

    msep003 New Member

    i think there was 3 days of interview .

    23 , 24 , 25 October .

    I think their going to Italy after france and then UK .
  5. Pierrealex

    Pierrealex New Member

    Yeah.. they told us they were visiting Italy after Paris so I'm pretty sure it's their next destination..

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