So my f2f interview is in 3 days and I am getting nervous, having all these crazy dreams and such... DOes anyone have any tips on calming myself and what to expect in the interview????
hey, I totally know what the jitters are like. I was really nervous too...but I have done the f2f interview twice now and i ( and probably everyone else on this board that has been through it ) can tell you that there is really no reason to be nervous at ALL. The recruiters are all REALLY nice. The first part of the interview is a presentation, which will help you relax, and in my second interview they threw in some trivia which helped too to make things less formal. The interview itself is also really casual. It really is the most conversational interview i have ever done, and i have done a lot of interviews. They don't ask real interview questions, but more things like " why do you wanna work at Disney" and a lot of the interview just flowed instead of it being her asking question after question. So, to sum it up...don't be nervous. Just be confident, and yourself, and smile! that's what they want to see. if you're from canada, I think a majority of the people get a position, even if it's after being on the waiting list. I don't think many ( if any) get flat out rejected. so just go and have fun!!! Lisa
I totally agree with everything QueensGirl said. Be HAPPY, CONFIDENT and most importantly be YOURSELF. My upcoming f2f will be my 2nd time and I'm still very nervous but you won't be alone, they usually do interviews with 2 people at a time, so stay calm and you'll be fine and try to give examples in your answers wherever you can. One question I think they ask everyone is along the lines of "If I were a tourist in your country what would you advise me not to miss before I leave", its best to know some interesting areas in your country and rare facts.
What I did.. which seemed to work.. Learn your piece.. research your area for starters. Be fairly up with american culture and memorise a few good phrases and then you can access them if you need them. I wrote up all the questions they could ask before and memorised them, so I could mentally dip into that resource!# Disney is about acting afterall.. and I made sure I knew my role
Like people have said on the post, it's basically more of a conversation rather than question after question. One question they asked most of us from our group was about what kind of attractions are in my home town and or surrounding area. Besides that, they ask you why you want to work for Disney, what do you expect to take home from the program etc... One suggestion i would make would be to ask the interviewer a question if he or she gives you the opportunity. A good one that i've heard before would be to ask the interviewer what he or she likes most about working for WDW. hope this helps!
so its officially been 2 days since my f2f and all i can say is go in smile and know where you would send someone in your home town. Smile and be confident. They jsut want truthful answers to make sure you really want this and would make a good addition to the Disney family. My fingers and toes are crossed for everyone including myself...