Internet access

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Vanyaloth, Jan 9, 2012.

  1. Vanyaloth

    Vanyaloth Member

    Wow I've got lots of questions lately!

    Now I know that there is high speed internet access at the apartments, but is it wireless? Looking at the onboarding website, it looks like it's not. But if I look up Patterson Court or the Commons, both say that there is WiFi available. Will I need a password to connect?

    Thanks everyone!
  2. Sofiluks

    Sofiluks New Member

    No Wireless in apt. you need to buy a reuter for it. But commons has wifi on club house and pool area. My last program u didnt need a pasword for it, so i dont think so now, its good internet, but sometimes slow cuz everyone uses it.
  3. Briggs682

    Briggs682 Member

    As far as I know Vista, Chatham and the Commons all have internet plugs but not WIFI - you could club together with your room mates and buy a cheap router though which I think is what most people end up doing.
    I think Patterson has WIFI in the appartments as it's a much newer complex.
    All the appartments have WIFI in their club houses and free internet access in the computer rooms.
    If you're doing the CRP then you'll probably be living in the Commons or maybe in Patterson, so you'll probably have to buy a router. If you're doing the ICP/CP then you'd be living in Vista, Chatham or the Commons so would definitely have to buy a router if you wanted WIFI.
    Hope this helps and hasn't just completly confused you! :p
  4. Vanyaloth

    Vanyaloth Member

    If I were to bring a router from home, would it work in the states?

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