International Summer Program- when to apply?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by crazycanuck, Oct 6, 2005.

  1. crazycanuck

    crazycanuck New Member

    Hey everyone! I have wanted to do tthe international program since i was in grade nine, and I thought I would do it when I finished high school, but then my mum forced me to go to university. So I was just browsing the net the other day in res, and noticed that they have a summer program now! My question is for the summer of 2006 when do you think is the latest I should send my resume to cast-a-way? Im in Ottawa right now, but would probably go to the Toronto presentation becase that is my hometown. Thanks for your help

    cheers :)
  2. EvilQueen

    EvilQueen New Member

    I believe the summer program returned last year after not being offered for a few years. There wasn't a whole lot of notice last year. I think the interviews were in May and the I think the interview info was put on Cast-A-Way's site in late April. I'm not 100% sure, but I know it just sort of came out of the blue and those who were accepted left only a few weeks later.

    Having said all that... I do have a suggestion... Do the year long international program!! The summer program is only 3 months long. I've been here just over 3 months now and there is no way that 3 months would've been enough for me. I found that for the first 3 months I was just getting adjusted to life down here. Lots of people take a year off of school to do the program. You should definately look into it.

    Good Luck,
    Sandra :)
  3. crazycanuck

    crazycanuck New Member

    Yah i was wondering if 3 months may be too short. I would definitely want to do the year long program, its just convincing the parents that I would actually go back to school when I was dne is the problem. Anyways, it sounds like I have some time to think about it, thanks for your help Sandra :)
  4. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    Apply now...interviews are in November across Canada.

  5. crazycanuck

    crazycanuck New Member

    I was looking at cast-a-way, and it says calgary and vancouver interviews are in november, and Hlifax, Montreal and Toronto are all in March ??? I thought that seemed wierd that there was such a large sapce between the dates, also would they want a cover letter/cv or just your resume?

    thanks for the advice
  6. shannybanany

    shannybanany New Member

    Because it'll be the same Disney reps doing the interviews for both programs and it saves them a bunch of trips back and forth to interview for both at the same time.

    Definitely do a cover letter. It doesn't have to be your typical business-y cover letter. Make it fun. Let your personality shine through.

  7. Gem

    Gem New Member

    Hey i live in england and ive been back from the summer college programme for just over a month now and three months isnt that short a time at all. I had one of the best summers of my life and i settled down rite away and made the bestest friends i ever had. I felt as tho i had been there for longer than three months wen i left and it felt like home within days. For me the three months gave me time to find out wot to expect if i did the year programme and u know if ur not enjoyin ur self then u havent got long left.
    Having said that i guarantee u will hav fun and will not want to leave and im plannin to do the year programme when ive finished school so it just depends on whether u wanna miss school then return or just hav fun for the summer.

    College Programmer June 6-Aug 26 Summer 2005

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