International,but already in the US

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by Gin, May 2, 2007.

  1. Gin

    Gin New Member

    Hi, I have a big problem. Am currently an AuPair in Washingtin DC. I cant move out the US in my second year, cuz of ma visa. So I cant go to the jobinterview in Germany. I called WDW 3 times, but nobody knows anything about this. 3 calls-3 different answers. ARGH. I have a interview next week---but if its not accepted, then I dont have to go! Its very complacted! My visastuff would I get from the german-agency. Its just this stupid interview! :(
    Anywhere there had the same probleme?? Or tipps? or anything???
  2. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    Erm... well I don't get it. Do u have the interview with Disney or another company? Cause you could get an interview in Orlando. But I think you have to go to Germany to get the visa.
  3. Gin

    Gin New Member

    The agency is internationalservices. They told me, that I have to ask in Orlando to go there for the interview. For the visa i have to go back to germany, thats right. But that wouldnt be a problem. Cuz it would be in my FIRST year *confused* ;)
    So it is a agency, but the interview would be in orlando. I called there- but they dont have a clue *grr*.
    And before I go next week to orlando, I have to know it! I have to book a flieght and I have to ask about a day OFF.
  4. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    Ah ok. Well try to call the General Walt Disney World Careers under 407-828-1000. They should be able to help you. If they can't help you no-one can :-\
    But I know there is someone from Canada who has his interview in Orlando... Try to search it here at the boards!
  5. Gin

    Gin New Member

    Yeah...I called this number... now 5 times-5 different answers *haha*. It is so crazy!! :(
    I think, I will go to the interview and I am sooo good, that they cant say "no" :-D
    Thanks, if somebody find this entry post (girl from canada)- let me know where it is :)
  6. kat02141984

    kat02141984 Guest

    You can go to Germany for the visa, but cant go for the interview?  Because you wouldnt get your visa until close to when your job at disney would start and i think you can only use a visa issued by disney for a job there.  when do you want to start?
  7. Gin

    Gin New Member

    :D this situation is crazy!
    Am now in my first year till September. In the first year I could travel to germany about the visa.
    The next interview in Germany is in October....second year!
    So I have no chance to get a job for Fall...just over the WDW. Job at Spring08 is ok too. But better this year =)
    Is this not possible with the interview in Orlando, I HAVE to go back to Germany and I cant extend my AuPair year... becaaaauuuse- the interview is in october in germany! So, but thats bad! I dont get a job in germany for just 5 or 6 month. ::) ;D
  8. Chrissi

    Chrissi New Member

    After the last post I'm totally confused ???
  9. Gin

    Gin New Member

    Lol... me too ;)
    -AuPair till September (1. year).
    -No chance to have a interview in germany for autumn, because i past it :(
    -next interview in germany is in october, if i extend my AuPair-Visa for 6 month (the interview in october would be for March 08- so 6 Month more as an AuPair..)...
    -BUT, it is in the second year... I started in september 06-sept 07. ....October=2year...
    -IF I could do the interview in the US... i just have to go home (germany) vor my new visa, that could I do till Sept.!
    U got it? ;)
    I need heeeeelp!
  10. linsey

    linsey New Member

    I think folk are getting confused by any visa rules you have from being an au pair and where things get confusing if you do a second year or extra 6 months?

    Seems like a lot of hassle!

    As far as we know (have picked up from others) you can interview in Orlando. If you get in you'll need to get your visa at home because it's a different type of visa etc.

    But bear in mind you could be given ANY start date for disney. There are people interviewed at the same time Nov 2006 and the start times range from March 07 to December 07 so anything can happen there.

    Are you avoiding going back to Germany for a reason? It seems whatever happens you have to go home at some point first. Most visa rules state you have to go home before you can go back regardless.

    I think we're all still confused by the details. No one seems to understand what the main problem is!? If you could explain again about why being in the second year is a problem it might help!
  11. Katrin

    Katrin New Member

    Hallo Jenny
    als erstes hoffe ich das dein Interview gut läuft und du bald auch ins schöne Florida ziehen darfst !!!!!!!
    Aber jetzt zu meinem Anliegen .....ich habe das Programm 2005/2006 gemacht ....und möchte unbedigt wieder rüber !!!!!!!!
    Da ich aber den Interviewtermin im April hier in Germany verpasst habe und der nächste erst in Oktober ist und ich nicht bis dahin warten will ...möchte ich jetzt gerne direkt in Orlando zu einem Interview !!!!!!!

    Für Guest Relations (oder wenn es wirklich geht und mann nochmal das Programm machen kann in Merch oder F&b)

    Jetzt meine Frage wo hast du denn Termin bekommen bw. wo hast du angerufen ????
    Ging es relativ schnell ???
    Mussten die erst rausfinden ob das geht ???
    Oder war es gar kein Problem ????
    Wäre super nett wenn du oder irgend jemand anderes der sich damit auskennt mir helfen kann !!!!!!
  12. dimasisland

    dimasisland New Member

    Well, that was interesting, hope you guys figured it out ;D

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