So I've been reading other people's posts...I'm Canadian going to Disney Sept 6th. I was under the impression that I provide my own insurance for the first 4 months with any company I choose....some people are saying they have to go with Gateway. I wanna know if I can go with Blue Cross for the first 4 months and then Disney provides us with Gateway insurance for the rest of the time in Orlando. Brigitte
of cos you can go with yer own insurance co.!! Gateway isn't a must!! just one of the options!! but just make sure yours aint those travel insurance! lol choose whats best for ya! ;D
Hey I am not going with gateway either. I found it was over priced compared to other places I looked at. I looked at blue cross and they seemed pretty decent. I got a qoute from another insurance company for $1.70 per day.. Good luck finding it... I will see you downt here. I start the 13th but I will be arriving on the 9th. JOrdana
You can get whichever one you want. At then end of the month in which you have your 3 month anniversary, Disney will give you the option of having coverage. It's not free. You choose the coverage options you want and then pay a fee on all your paycheques. It's not much, less than $10-ish, depending on what you pick (eg. medical, dental, vision and different levels in each). I don't think it was with Gateway when I was there, but then again, I never paid too much attention to it. Shan
do you know if there is anyway to get more information on what disney offers for insurance after the 4 months like exact cost and what it covers? i herd we can opt out of it if we want to and purchase our own insurance for the year. can you please adv of any info, as it could end up being cheaper to get canadian insurance only instead of paying in us dollars. thanks sheena