For those Canadians who are already there and those who are about to go to Disney, what kind of medical insurance did you get? did you get an insurance package that covered a year? if so, with who? or did you get a 3-5 month package? if so, with who? and did you have to buy into the Disney medical insurance package as well? Any info that you can give would be greatly appreciated!! I'm a little lost on this topic.
Your Disney insurance kicks in after about 90 days. When I went for 2004/05 they were suggesting Gateway Insurance. I believe a pamphlet came with the "you're hired!" pack. They offer special insurance for exchange programs such as the cultural rep program. It wasn't that expensive and I bought enough for 4 months so just in case mine was late with Disney, I was still covered by Gateway. You don't have to "buy" into the Disney insurance, it just comes with being a cast member. I actually had to visit health services/Celebration hospital and it was all taken care of and covered. I hope this info helps out, I'm guessing there hasn't been too many changes since I went. I think you can just google Gateway insurance and you should be able to find something. Good luck! -> just found the link
Oh my Goodness that is soo helpful thank you. i'm sure i would have found that out when i got my "your hired" package but i wanted to know now!!
Hey, I went with 4 months of medical insurance with was only $260CAD and it has great coverage and $0 deductible. If I end up not being happy with the Disney insurance coverage I can extend mine for a year as long as I renew before the 4 months is up so thats good.
awsome thanks for that tip too!! I know RBC is a very good company. I Actually sell it as a travel agent!!
I completely forgot to say that the reason I didn't have to pay anything before selecting my insurance plan/being covered was because my injury was work-related. But I believe the insurance can start from $4 off your pay - $20. Depends on how extensive you want the package to be. Can't believe that slipped my mind, I hope I didn't get your hopes up too much about free insurance LOL For lack of a better phrase, I had a brain "fa*t"
I got my medical insurance with AMA(Alberta motor association) AKA CAA(Canadian Automobile Association). It's about 270$ for 3 and a half months.
Holy smokes! For 3 and a half months I only have to pay 60 bucks canadian for my medical insurance. I guess thats one of the perks of being a student
aww.... I'm a student too, maybe I got ripped off, or maybe I have a bunch of coverage I'll never use. Oh well.
For ICPers, don't forget to check with your university! Some university have health insurance plans under their student union/government, and you might already be covered! (like me! Yahhha)
Yeah, mine was with my university. I was already covered for 60 days so all i had to do was tell them when i'd be going, and pay for an extension of my coverage. I was expected a huge amount of money, but hey 60 bucks is pretty decent!
Hey Canadians! I got my insurance through Great West Life for the first 90 days! It came to a total of $153 which was a lot cheaper than Blue Cross ;D Thanks just what I did!
I looked with my school and the didn't have anything for us :'( But I ended up going with Alberta Blue Cross which wasn't bad for me at least. It was $180 for 104 days which is the length of the period I will be there. This is cheaper than what I had before with AMA which was about $280. So yay! saved some money...
HEALTHQUOTES.CA GREAT site for Canadian's searching!! I have aqquired a quote for $144 for 3 months!! That gives you 2,000,000 coverage!!! I dropped them a line and I THINK I will be going with this one!! UNLESS someone can give me a BETTER QUOTE?? ??? ??? Hope this helps with the decisions you have to make!!