Information packs and flights

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by 2005CP, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    I recieved my info pack today-im working at the UK from the 4th of December.i had originally told Disney that they could book my flights, but the information i was sent is unclear-it provides a phone number for me to ring after ive got my visa, in order to allow Disney to book my flight (although, considering that the Visa is only recieved 4 to 6 weeks before departure,t hats cutting it fine for booking a flight). Futhermore, it says that they can sort our flight and then we can arrange payment of the flight when we get to flroida-i was under the assumption that Disney pays for the flight one way-also, am i right in assuming, after reading the original nformation pack, that Dinsey only books a one way flight-how the hell are you suppose to go home.........Disney and Yummy jobs appear quite vague on t he useful facts-like flights and prices
  2. keithy

    keithy New Member

    with the flights wether u book them urself or disney books them 4 u,

    u pay for them at first, no matter what it will be a return flight but at the end of the programme disney will give u half the money back,

    if disney book ur flight u can either just give them the money in full or else they will deduct it out ur wage every week
  3. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    If you are on the year long programme you can wait until your visa info comes through and ask disney to book ur flight- they dont have any trouble booking them at short notice because they fly indirect. You have a choice then when you arrive in orlando to pay for your flight outright or to have a set amount taken out of ur wages for so many months to cover it.

    You can book your own flight. you can do this before ur visa information arrivesif you like but u should be aware that for whatever reason if your vis application is declined then disney wont reemburse u the cost of ur flight and a lot of one way tickets that are cheap are non refundable which is why they sa to wait until ur visa comes through. i am personally going to buy my flight before because i want to have a direct flight and arrive fairly early in the day.

    any travel costs u incur u need to keep the receipts for. at the end of your year long programme disney remeburse u that amount and you can then use that money to bok ur flight home.

    i think thats right but i havent been yet so i could be wrong
  4. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    So am i hearing right here..that disney pay for our whole flight once we've completed the program?
  5. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    So am i hearing right here..that disney pay for our whole flight once we've completed the program?
  6. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    Only if you are on the CRP program working at world showcase
  7. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    You have shattered my hopes and dreams, haha.. :'(
  8. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Not the whole flight... just one way (ie your return trip)
  9. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Ok..but im guessing thats still only for the cultural rep program..Although i did hear thats its just if you do it for a year in general..But i duno where i heard that from..
  10. mark

    mark Guest

    I got my Disney pack this morning and it specifically says that 'If you are on the Cultural Representative Program, keep all plane and train tickets with you so you may be properly reimbursed for your expenses'. So it looks like its only the CRP who get their money back.
  11. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    There you go again :'(

    haha..only messin..
  12. Emi

    Emi New Member

    Mine arrived today too. :D Its so exciting. Well except sending them a cheque for our security check. I work for a security company and can tell you it only costs £20 to have a security check done. ;)
  13. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Robbing scum bags-always thought there was something fishy about mickey mouse
  14. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Grr, how much money does that company manage to con out of us?! In the end it's going to cost more to work there than you earn!!
  15. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    When you think about it..the majority of your wages are spent on disney property..and also atleast $70 of your wage each week goes back to them for the rent for your housing..

    My flatmate saved up $1200, but he never went out, he didnt buy anything, he used 2 work around 60 hours a week, he never ate out and he just didn't really experience anything..

    He basically got the trip for free because that's about how much it costs you to go out there in the end..I think this was the way he wanted he obviously wanted it just depends what your out there to do really..

    I still think though that you can save money tho, but myself i prefered to spend it all on the cheap clothes etc!
  16. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I just wanted to make absolutely certain that no one misinterpreted my last post - I should have worded it better.

    It only costs the company I work for twenty pounds to do a criminal check. Yummy/Disney aren't likely to use the same company we do since they're Scottish so I can understand why there's is higher. They're absolutely no trying to 'scam' anyone. ;)
  17. Emi

    Emi New Member

    I just wanted to make absolutely certain that no one misinterpreted my last post - I should have worded it better.

    It only costs the company I work for twenty pounds to do a criminal check. Yummy/Disney aren't likely to use the same company we do since we're Scottish so I can understand why there's is higher. They're absolutely no trying to 'scam' anyone. ;)

    I've done some looking into it and its £31 for the actual check itself plus extra for special delivery, cost of handing (ie couriers etc) and the cost of getting someone to actually do it. :)
  18. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    Sounds like you've been talking 2 yummy jobs ;)
  19. elusivemoose

    elusivemoose New Member

    Amen to that! Means I save money when I get home, not having to stock up for uni, or so I'll pretend :p
  20. 2005CP

    2005CP New Member

    Im not bothered about saving mney-if i wanyted to id get a job in tescos and never go out-the fact is ive got a job in Dinsey world-if i go into debt who cares

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