Information on International Program

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by jwharmsby, Apr 19, 2006.

  1. jwharmsby

    jwharmsby New Member

    I am only fifteen and living in the UK. I became interested in working at WDW some time ago. I have fund a number of problems with the information available online about Disney's International Program. I came here to ask a number of questions about the program.
    To make things clear, i intend to work at WDW when I am 18/19 and have left college between my time at college and university.

    1. Is it possible for someone of this age to join the program?
    2. Would I be able to work as/in a character, merchandise, attractions and janitoring?
    3. How long would I be working for Disney before returning to the UK?
    4. What are the chances of being accepted if giving a good interview?
    5. Will I have another chance to apply if I fail first time?
    6. If I do fail and wish to re-apply, how long will I have to wait?
    7. Would it matter that I have had no previous jobs or only termporary shop work because I was in college and have had no previous experience in proper full-time work as such? This was my major worry. has anyone had any problems with this in the past? Would I need to worry about getting proper jobs while in college so i will get to work at Disney for the year? Or is this not as important, just as long as I do well at school and college?

    I would like to thank you for your help and look forward to receiving your support.

    Jordan ;)
  2. Colin

    Colin Member

    Hi :)

    I'll try to answer your questions the best I can, but bare in mind things can change in 3 years!

    1. 18 is the minimum age you can apply
    2. No. As a British Citizen you can only apply for the Cultural Representative Program allowing you to work in the UK Pavilion at Epcot. Here you can work in Food and Beverage and Merchandise. If you are enrolled on a degree program at university and between years you can also apply for the International College Program where you work at WDW for 3 months over summer.
    3. You are issued with a Q-1 visa valid for 1 year only.
    4. If you give a good interview then good I guess, but at the end of the day its difficult to say if you've given a good interview, your interview skills may be good, but you are not offering Disney what they want? So its difficult to say!
    5. You can apply again, but what it seems is happening is you cannot apply for the next round of interviews, so if you go to March interviews and don't get through, you will not be able to attend the november interviews and will need to wait til next march.
    6. See above
    7. Put down any work experience you have, experience helps but it has been known for schol leavers to get a job on this forum, there seems to be no guarantee. Any experience would help.

    Again, I can't really guarantee any of this is right and it could change over 3 years so its just a guideline really :)

  3. jwharmsby

    jwharmsby New Member

    Thanks a lot for replying.
    I understand that thing can, and probably will, change during the coming years.
    You said in your reply that I will be working in EPCOT as a Cultural Representative. Does this work last for up to 12 months, or is there a limitation, like the college program, for this work.

    Also, is there any work experiences that would be useful to have before applying for Disney? Or would any work do?

  4. Colin

    Colin Member

    You would be working at Epcot on a 12 month fixed term contact, no extensions are usually available (occasionally you can extend by a few weeks but no more than that because of the VISA) For example I fly out September 12th and complete my contract on September 7th 2007.

    I would guess the kind of experience that would help is anything customer orientated, Disney is a very customer orientated company so service roles would be ideal. Personall I worked 4 years in a Supermarket and 2 years in a call centre whilst at uni. Leisure is something they've mentioned, if you work in leisure that would help. Working in a restaurant would probably help if you fancy doing Food and Beverage. Theres not really any one job that I would say would help you more than another though.

    Hope that helps :)

  5. jwharmsby

    jwharmsby New Member

    Thank you for replying and giving me more information.
    It looks as though shop work is most common while in college etc. so that would be useful.
    Like you say, the whole process could easily change within the next 3 or 4 years though.
    Im just greatful that my parents are supporting me on this, and are willing to pay for the visa, flight etc.
    I just want the time to pass, and get college done, so i can apply :-D

  6. mousefreak

    mousefreak New Member


    IM 16 and I want apply for the program!
    someone i can bond with


  7. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I'm kinda glad I didn't find out about this opportunity when I was younger. It would have killed me to wait! I only have to wait 5 months since I've found out about it and it's killing me!

    Colin's right though, guest service related experience is probably useful. I've basically only ever worked in a movie theatre but it was a good experience. I would say it doesn't really matter but from what I've read on these forums, it seems that in the UK they do look a lot at guest related experience. In Canada, I found that the recruiters are looking more for people who have the personal skills that Disney is looking for.

    Anyways, best wishes to both of you young ones. You never know, if my dream comes true, I may be helping with recruiting in a few years when you apply!
  8. stu1901

    stu1901 Guest

  9. stu_uk

    stu_uk New Member

    iv been waiting until i was 15 to apply for the year long program but i decided to go to university and am doing the 3 month summer program this summer!!! :D 8)
  10. brennan0720

    brennan0720 New Member

    im 16 and found out about the damn thing when i was 14... arrg 2 and 1/2 years till ill apply
  11. michelle81

    michelle81 New Member

    but...better too young than too old...:D I can't apply next year =(
  12. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    There isn't an age limit is there? I didn't think there was...
  13. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    what do you MEAN your to old for next year???

    there is NO age limit!1 TRUST ME!!
  14. Corinna

    Corinna New Member

    In Germany is an age-limit. You can only apply when you are between 18 and 26.
  15. Matt1133

    Matt1133 New Member

    I wonder what the Bona Fide Occupational Requirement is for that?
    If they don't have one, then that would be discrimination and slightly illegal I might add, at least in Alberta anyways.
  16. Corinna

    Corinna New Member

    Here: this is standing in the Job description:

    Teilnehmerkreis: EPCOT-Center Florida
    Abiturienten und Studenten mit Joberfahrung sowie Berufsanfänger. Alter zwischen
    18 und 26 Jahren, deutsche Staatsangehörigkeit


    Only Students, people with a-level or Jobbeginner, between 18 and 26 years, with german nationality.
  17. brennan0720

    brennan0720 New Member

    there are plenty of jobs with an age limit... this however doesnt really make sense to have one as older people are also excellent at spreading the magic
  18. KirstyLouise

    KirstyLouise New Member

    Is that age limit for the year long?? Or for the college program...coz I could understand an age limit on the college program

  19. spa_life_girl

    spa_life_girl New Member

    NO age limit on the YEAR LONG......

    I can attest that one for ya!!

    Going to DISNEY for a year and I am 35!! ;D
  20. brennan0720

    brennan0720 New Member

    wow thats wicked! have fun!!!!!!!

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