
Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Paco Aleman, Dec 15, 2006.

  1. Paco Aleman

    Paco Aleman New Member

    Everybody Ask this!! i know...! lol

    How much in a normal week, with normal shift, with normal crowd... you can earn..

    Atrac = ?
    Merch = ?
    F&b + Average Tips = ?
  2. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    WHen I was there in from June to November the weeks changed so much due to crowd flow. I found in both QS F&B (ie before you hit a tipped position) and in Attractions I could make anywhere from about 130-140 minimum to about 250 each week after rent was taken out. I'd assume Merch would be similar as well. Guest flow changed the ammount of Overtime hours I was getting which greatly effected the final sum. When I started at Mission:SPACE in August and it was busy I would work between 45 and 50 hours a week, and some days I was booked for 14 hour shifts. When I left I was lucky to hit 35 hours a week and they wouldn't give me any overtime at all (I couldn't take anyone else's shift if it would give me overtime) thus limiting my money for my final months.

    Not sure if all mangers follow the same rules, but thats what I experienced.
  3. gemmalou

    gemmalou New Member

    Well Id say...

    Attractions and Merch and Non-tipped F&B- about $130-$200 a week, depending on hours. Generally youll be looking at about 35 hours a week which is about $140 ish. (this is after rent, tax etc)

    Tipped F&B- you'll have so much money you probably wont even bother to count it!! Seriously, from what ive heard less than $100 a day in tips is considered bad! so money in tipped is not an issue!!

    Hope this helps

  4. Kerry J

    Kerry J Guest

    what counts as non-tipped F&B?? and what is tipped F&B??? im going into UK F&B in april i just assumed that il be getting tipped as soon as i start serving (either waiting tables or on bar or whatever) is that right???
    Im doing the 1 year cult. rep. if that makes any difference....
  5. PrincessJilly

    PrincessJilly New Member

    yep kerri, u will be in a tipped position wen u go into service.

    before you go into service u will be doing seating etc, and chippy, and those are non tipped
  6. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    yeah and I heard a rough average is about 3 months before you go into service, but you can aparently speed it up by learning your menus/speils quick.
  7. pinkspideruk

    pinkspideruk Active Member

    that sounds cool hopefully ill be in service in time for the xas perod then which would be handy :D
  8. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Yes and now lets not forget our 40% Disney Discount from November-Feburary. More money and bigger discounts!
  9. sandinshorts

    sandinshorts New Member

    Why Nov - Feb?
  10. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    Double discount as a Holiday bonus. I got 10 days with that this year so looking forward to not having to splurge quickly next year

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