Important information for booking my flights

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current CRP Participants' started by Dr. Bitz, May 29, 2007.

  1. Dr. Bitz

    Dr. Bitz New Member

    Hi everyone!

    It looks strange for me to talk about going back home before I even started the program - but I must book my flights to and from together:

    Do people usually leave on the same day the program ends? (31st Aug for me)
    I have no idea how I will feel after the program ends; whether I'd like to go right back home or travel for a few days...

    How does it work for you?

    So many technical details to work out.. ;D & I can't wait any longer.
  2. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    You usually get 30 days after your visa end date..So its up to you whether you want to travel afterwards or not..

    You need to check and make sure this applies on your visa tho, but i think it pretty much always does..

    You can book your return flight now..Some flight companies let you change your flight to a later date for free and some charge a small fee..
  3. LukeW

    LukeW New Member

    Personally, I am staying a few days in Florida after my program ends before I go to NYC, for a week and THEN I'm coming home.

    I highly reccomend at least staying a week in Florida after your program because you'll more than likely make a lot of friends who are going to hang around.

    What did you do last year, John?
  4. j0hnyoung

    j0hnyoung Guest

    I came home, but i would have prefered to of stayed..But i had to come back home, because i had to see all my family and that before i moved into my uni room..So needed time to do that..

    I would definetly recommend stayin on for the extra time tho if you can..
  5. Dr. Bitz

    Dr. Bitz New Member

    Thanks for your thoughts!

    Would it be possible for me to stay a few extra days on the Disney complex, or I would have to find my own accommodations?
  6. Jorden

    Jorden New Member

    You'ld have to find your own accomodation, on your program end date you need to be MOVED OUT of your apartment/complex by something like 11 AM!

    You can book yourself into a Disney Resort and check in a few days early with your CM discount however (as long as you check in before your ID expires)

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