I'm Confused! Can anyone help!

Discussion in 'ICP Applicants Discussion' started by StevenC, Jan 10, 2010.

  1. StevenC

    StevenC New Member


    I've been accepted for ICP 2010 but I'm so confused about what I need to do before I go... call me naive... I am!

    I have already booked my flights and sent the info to yummy, and I have done the criminal background check and paid it all off.

    So now I'm confused as to what I need to go? I've heard people mention medial insurance on here, and taxback options n stuff... but honestly I have absolutely no idea how to go about doing either of these things... or what either of them mean!

    All I've been able to gather so far is that this job is going to put me in unbelievable debt lol
  2. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    you need medical insurance before you go. If you sign in to your yummy jobs account and go to documents. it gives you a list of all the things that you need to do and when you need to do them by. its very helpful. ;D
  3. StevenC

    StevenC New Member

    I have the step by step guide and it says that STA offer insurance when you book or something? Well I did book through STA but I decided to fly out 3 days earlier than my start date... and that option wasn't listed on the guide. However my dad phoned up STA and still managed to use the yummy deal flying out 3 days earlier. He paid off the deposit and everything for me. But they didnt offer the insurance deal to him when he booked it, so I now have my flight booked but have no insurance.

    So now I just feel very confused and dont know what to do.

    I know for a fact that I wont need insurance whilst I'm out there cos the chances of me hurting myself or getting ill are second to none, but I am aware that I need it in order to be allowed to go. Is there anywhere I could get really cheap insurance? lol

    What do I need to do with taxback stuff??
  4. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    Don't worry about taxes until you get home. Are you from the UK? I'm not 100% sure what the options are for insurance there, but you do need some. I got a headcold and needed to go to the clinic and even just going to the clinic can cost you 300 bucks +. Disney won't let you work for them without it! Actually, I think it's housing that requires it, but regardless, you need it! Yummy Jobs should tell you how much coverage you need and they should also be able to suggest good places to get it from.
  5. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    Also - I came home about 300 dollars in debt, and that was AFTER I picked up extra shifts and didn't go anywhere - not even Universal.
  6. catfish278

    catfish278 Member

    lol it depends on each person whether you come back with any money or not but to be honest, you're not there to earn money - its for the magic and the experience!! with regards to medical/travel insurance... you can book it with an outside company, most insurance companies do it or your bank might as well - its somewhere between £80-120 ish for the time you're in FL... I think mine was about £100 last time. I ended up going to the doctors because I got an infected toe and it cost me over $300 to get some antibiotics and see a doctor for all of about 30 seconds! So it is worth paying the "excess waiver" because if you need to claim it means you won't have to pay any money (it's just an extra £20 or so when you pay the insurance premium)... that probably seems about as clear as mud. Your parents probably know about travel insurance, you could try asking them ;D
  7. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    i have gone with seven corners who yummy has a deal with i go one for $109 but you can get it for cheaper.
  8. gevernon

    gevernon New Member

    Hi Sarah

    Did you ring seven corners or book online?

  9. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    i did it online if you go to the yummy webside there are ads in a lil box on the main page. just wait till it says seven corners and click it. takes to straight to the right part, you fill in your information and thats it you have disney approved insurance.
  10. gevernon

    gevernon New Member

    Good one! Thanks. IS that a good price for it? x
  11. gevernon

    gevernon New Member

    The options are confusing....
    what did you choose for the medical maximum and deductible? :s
  12. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    it says on our step by step guide. i picked my maximum as $50,000 and my deductible as $100 because for $20 more if i did need treatment i would only have to pay $100 not $500. Oh and the AD and D or whatever it is at the bottom is the details of someone if you die or something. i just but my dads name.
  13. tinkithink

    tinkithink New Member

    Yummy Jobs told me how much coverage I needed, so be careful if you're choosing your amounts without consulting them!
  14. yay-disney

    yay-disney New Member

    its fine i did the amounts that they said to do on the step by step guide.
  15. Sofi

    Sofi Guest

    they didn't offer me insurance but i said i wanted it and they said u can book it at a later date with the discount. however, they also said theyd send me a reciept for the flight but i never got one, im not getting scammed outta this though it says on my bank statement they took £75 off me! lol x
  16. Tink**

    Tink** New Member

    I don't know about other people posting saying they went home in debt.... I did a lot- went to Daytona and Cocoa beach.... went out every weekend, ate out lots.... and I still came home with 700$ US.
    But honestly, if money is a really big deal for you... that might be a problem. ICP is not about making money. It is completely about the experience and just having fun!!! It is an incredible opportunity, and please please PLEASE do not let money worries bring you down!!!
  17. jdavies

    jdavies New Member

    exactly make the most of it! it may be the only chance you have at it so just have loads of fun. Im working as much as i can to build up my florida fund so i can just really enjoy myself when im out there.

    ahhhhhh i cant waitttttt! xD
  18. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    Yea Im plannig on taking a good bit of money with me to do some traveling aftertwards and what i make while im there can just buy me food and some good nights out haha!!! xxxx
  19. Laura Jane

    Laura Jane New Member

    I just got my travel insurance from the one recommended by yummy jobs last time. But i think if you booked your flight with STA they mentioned something about getting a medical insurance discount with them as well, no?

    Don't think i spent that much more than i made last year.. You get really good discounts on everything - even outside of disney! We got seasonal universal passes for just over $100 which meant we could go anytime, and you're $80 for a single day ticket anyways..

    As long as you have your flight and criminal background check paid off, it's just pretty much a waiting game until you can book your visa appointment! xx
  20. mac shell

    mac shell New Member

    When use are applying for you insurance are you all putting it under long stay single trip? Because theres an option for bag packers and Im going to travel afterwards so I dunno what I should put it under? xxx

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