I need your opinion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Audrey II, Jan 28, 2009.

  1. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    Ok so seeing as I didnt get into disney my summer feels rather...empty now. So i've found a company that does work experience or camps over in the USA or Canada. I have three days (if i want the cheapest option) to decide which programme i want to do. I was wondering if you guys could help a bit, se what you think sounds good.

    So the first options are to be a counsellor/ leader in a camp in USA or Canada. WAsnt sure about this originally but i think i may be good at it as i have done guiding for 14 years and think kids can be very cool. The good thing about this is it is only 8 weeks which is perfect for me.

    the second option is work exerience. I could be working in any state doing a range of jobs from dishwasher to attractions in theme parks. however i run the risk of missing the start of term. Though what job i get could be interesting as i dont want to go all the way to america to do fast food when i can go back to mcdonalds over here.

    i know not a lot of information to go on, but i would like your guys opinions. its mainly for me to get out of the country and get some life experience under my belt. I feel i am too stuck in catering and no one is paying attention to my degree etc. Also i would like to do the graduate program for disney so something that could help towards that would be great.

  2. mpark90

    mpark90 Member

    Ooooer is this CAMP AMERICA!?

    It depends what sort of work you wanna doo? :)

    do you wanna spend your summer yelling at kids? well not always yelling, havign fun, changing there lives, being a role model

    or experience something a little different?
  3. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    I did camp america (through a company called CCUSA) in 2007 and loved it. You do need to be prepared to work extremely hard, and at my camp we were extremely isolated in the middle of a forest in NJ. We pretty much worked 24/7 with the odd day off when we went to a local town where there was only a diner and an ice-cream shop, so you have to be pretty dedicated to do it.

    I know CCUSA do a work experience program, and BUNAC might do it too. You apply and get a brochure full of companies you can get work with ANYWHERE in the USA, or you can just show up in the States and travel around picking up different jobs as you go.

    You really have to think about what it is you want to get out of it. If there's a chance you could get relevant experience with the work experience option go for that, but with the Summer Camp program you pay around £250 and get your flights and everything sorted, get fed and have somewhere to sleep, so at least you know everything's done for you.

    Good luck deciding!!
  4. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Do you get paid for doing camp america?
  5. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    Yeah, but not a lot, it depends on your age. I was 18 and got $600 for the WHOLE summer, but I think you get more at 19 and even more at 21. I spend all of it in 2 days in NYC so don't count on bringing anything back!
  6. FrancisM

    FrancisM New Member

    I know a few friends who have to the American Camp Counselor and they have all really enjoyed their time, and most went back for a 2nd time. You have to be willing to deal with kids all the time and "rough it". I've never had to live away to work at a kids camp but I can deff say that the time I've spent with kids in local camps has been amazing, just to see how much they look up to you and how much they'll change over that 8 weeks!

    It was a recurring game to chase, tackle, hang from and try to immobilize me.. so be prepared for lots of involvement lol
  7. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    Charlotte i am going through CCUSA!!!! glad to hear you had a great experience with them. i know it sounds silly but did you get a lot of money afterwards or do you have to spend a lot while out there?
    ...and i just read your post...i am twenty and apparently you can earn up to $1000 dollars now i think the brochure said.

    Yeah i have that with the rainbows in guiding. Im not the fittest person but this wouls definitely help with that!

    the thing with the work experience is they dont give you many options at all. it is literally waitresssing, retail, engineering or theme parks. Which are great options dont get me wrong, but i am worried i am ging to be placed in something i dont like.

    Charlotte, did you get to decide where you wanted to go? and what camp?
  8. CharlotteSparkle

    CharlotteSparkle New Member

    They tell you you don't get to decide where to go, but there are around this. You can either leave it completely up to CCUSA to decide (which is recommended, because they match people up to camps really well) or you can hunt for a camp yourself, and email them to tell them your applying through CCUSA etc. Tbh though it won't make much of a difference where the camp is because while you're there you probs won't get to travel far, but afterwards you can travel to wherever you want to go. You might want to look into some specialty camps for acting/singing etc if that's what you want a career in? Because you'll probably be placed at a girl guide camp with your experience. And don't worry if your at an all girls camp, they usually have an all boys camp close by so it isn't an issue.

    I booked and paid for a Trek America tour before I went (from NY to Miami, was AMAZING) and didn't have a problem with spending money for that (I did take some spending money over with me, but not a lot).

    Have a look at BUNAC, they do the same program but they might pay more, I'm not sure. The only problem I had with CCUSA was that you HAD to fly to and from JFK, so even though I ended up in Miami I have to fly back to NY then go home from there. Not sure if BUNAC let you pick but they might.

    Anyway, that's a lot of info, let me know if you have any other questions!! Do it, you really won't regret it, it's an amazing experience!!
  9. leomgray

    leomgray New Member

    Yea Carla i really do think you should go for the camp america one, as you said with the other you dont know where you could be working. I'm sure you will love it.
  10. Cicada

    Cicada New Member

    I worked at an all girls girl guide camp the summer between grade 10 and 11 and really wouldn't suggest it to anyone. We weren't near a boys camp so I don't know about that, but quite often men would come on site. delivery, visiting an emplyee, landscaping and so on. It wasn't bad when they weren't around but the second a guy showed up all of the girls (emplyees) would be up against the window of our cabin or outside oggling at them. And then they wouldn't stop talking about them after they left. I felt really embarassed of their behaviour. But I don't know other camps would be, this one we usually saw the kids only between 9 and 5 ish, or at special night activities like campfires. They would have leaders who would supervise, we just came and did the fun stuff and then went back to our area of the site where kids didn't usually go. But even if you get an all girls camp, working at camp is amazing and tons of work but tons of fun!
  11. katiej22

    katiej22 New Member

    Go for it Carla (although you probably have already decided...bother not coming over the weekend!)
    if I didn't get in to Disney I was either going to do Work America through BUNAC (where you have al arge choice of paid jobs) or do Camp America through CCUSA or somewhere

    they have recruitment fairs as well for CCUSA - I think there's one in Manchester soon (maybe the 8th Feb????)

    good luck!!
  12. Audrey II

    Audrey II New Member

    thanks for the advice katie, im tempted to apply to BUNAC as well just in case i dont get into this one. im determined to get over to america even if i have to just fly out there and beg for a job.

    I missed the one at huddersfield so i am waiting for them to come round again.

    btw if anyone has applied before can you help? cos my degree isnt listed and it doesnt have a "other" selection.

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