I got a placement plan! But...?

Discussion in 'Accepted/Current ICP Participants' started by Maree, Jul 29, 2009.

  1. Maree

    Maree New Member

    I got a placement plan from Disney today, but something is weird, I think.
    When I received a congratulation mail from Disney last month,
    it was written that I'll work as a Q&B and Merchandise.
    But when I checked a placement plan today, it was written that
    my occupational field is Hospitality and Tourism.
    And in participant information part, my U.S residence address was written
    as Buena vista Drive which are same as disney's address.
    (It doesn't mean address of dorm, right? It just means that I'll live in Disney.)
    I just wonder, everything is okay, or not.

    Plz reply :)
  2. Loz

    Loz New Member

    I'm not sure about the location part, but I believe we all "officially" live on Buena Vista drive, no matter what actual appartment we're in.
    That's what I had to put on my visa too, because they don't tell you which complex you're in until you get there.
    Perhaps talk to your procurement ally about the rest?
    Good luck
  3. VikkiLillyBee

    VikkiLillyBee New Member

    Agreed with the officially all living on Buena Vista.
    As for the occupation. You are working in Hospitality and Tourism. Everyone who works at Disney, even the cleaners, are working in Hosiptality and Tourism. So that's correct as well. It's just that you'll be in the Q&B and Merchandise section of the H&T industry.

    Hope I've helped.
  4. Maree

    Maree New Member



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