i got an email this mornin and fort u guys mite like 2 c it coz its a really gud idea! so here it is: >In view of Thursday 7 July's events in London, East Anglian >Ambulance Service have launched a national "In case of Emergency ( >ICE )" campaign with the support of Falklands war hero Simon Weston >and in association with Vodafone's annual life savers award. > >The idea is that you store the word " I C E " in your mobile phone >address book, and against it enter the number of the person you >would want to be contacted "In Case of Emergency". > >In an emergency situation ambulance and hospital staff will then be >able to quickly find out who your next of kin are and be able to >contact them. > >It's so simple that everyone can do it. > >Please will you also forward this to everybody in your address book, >it wont take too many 'forwards' before everybody will know about >this. It really could save your life. > >For more than one contact name ICE1, ICE2, ICE3 etc
yeah, i already had it in my phone coz i heard about it on this morning or something i think a few weeks ago!
Yeah I got the email this morning, but saw it on the bbc website a few days ago. Its a good idea. Charlotte x
thats a great Idea, just done mine now so my mine is now Mum ICE never heard of it before so will be forwarding the email now