how many people get accepted during the f2f interview?

Discussion in 'Applicants Discussion' started by CineStephie, Sep 3, 2007.

  1. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member


    just wondering how many people normally get picked after the f2f interviews?

    im thinking that around 50 people will be attending the interview....but i dunno how many theyll take on..... :-\ :-\

    is there any cast members that have either done the crp or are out there atm know how many they accept during the interview? 10?15? 20?


    stephie x x
  2. PeXoXaLoVePooH

    PeXoXaLoVePooH Active Member


    well atleat here in Mexico the 2 times i have been interview the attendance is over 150 people in the 2 citys where the interviews were, and they were accepting around 50 persons... no many people know about the site, sometimes u can only see 4 of 5 person who are applying here but the realitty its that there sooo many people applying, but still u have a good ratio of acceptance, the girl who was in charge of the reclut here, told us abou 45%-50% of the persons got a position, so its a good chance ;), but again this is in Mexico... but i guess its similar to all the pavillions... ;), so dont worry too much

    good luck and some pixie dust for u! ;)
  3. Elliot_Stone

    Elliot_Stone New Member

    It differs from country to country and its hard to estimate in the UK cause for the main interviews they go to the four corners of the UK: England, Scotland, Wales and N. Ireland, to get a fair number to more fairly represent the UK.
  4. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    thought everyone goes down to london for the interview.... ???
  5. xxlora_182xx

    xxlora_182xx New Member

    during my interview that was the case but they dont always do that
    i would say at my interview which we were only meant to be filling in the gaps there was over 80 people. i so i would think there would be more at yours.
    Not many people out of ares got through straight away,
    but then most that were put on the waiting list finalyy got a place in the end
  6. DisneyGibbs

    DisneyGibbs Active Member

    It also depends on your start date. You could be the only person at your interview who wants to go out at the time you want to go.
  7. Bryce

    Bryce New Member

    It sounds so hard for you Europeans to get through compared to what I had to do (in New Zealand).
    I'm going for a 10 week summer programme, and all I had was one 5 minute phone interview before I got accepted.
    I think pretty much everybody from Australia and NZ gets accepted haha. :p

    Good luck guys,
  8. Aya

    Aya New Member

    woooo that many people :-\ i imagined it to be in a small room with 30-40 people but know the chances of getting in seem harder than what i anticipated ahhhh *gulp*
  9. CineStephie

    CineStephie New Member

    i dont like playing this game! :'(

    theres gunna be so many broke hearts! :-\

    (sorry thought i'd end on a chessy line lol :p :D)

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